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665 22 11

Sanemi quickly walked back to his mansion. He was a mess of emotions right now, his heart was pounding and he felt as if he was about to explode in embarrassment. That was the first time being so close to a girl and the feeling of her mouth on his finger did something to him... he needed time to think, otherwise he would probably completely lose it...

‧₊˚Time skip˚₊‧

a few days later

(Y/N) could finally go home again and train like usual. She decided to leave the bandages on for longer this time, because Shinobu recommended it to her.

(Y/N) hasn't seen Sanemi since the time he helped her eat her food. 3 days have passed and in that time she hoped he would visit her again, but that wasn't the case.

As (Y/N) arrived at her house, she still felt really tired. She also felt like she needed a bath. Later that day she decided to go to the hot spring and give herself some rest. She was gonna start with her training tomorrow...

It's ok... to take a rest...

Time went by and it was already 7 pm. (Y/N) went over to her friend's house and asked her to go to the hot spring with her.

Me? Going to the hot spring? It's way too late... Yuyu said and rubbed her eye.

I heard Giyuu was gonna be there today. (Y/N) said and grinned lightly.

Yuyu jumped and her eyes widened. She quickly went back in her house and came back, not only 5 seconds later, with her bathing bag under her arm. What are you waiting for. Hurryyy, bitch. Yuyu said as she already walked forward.

(Y/N) couldn't hold back a laugh at her friend's actions. They quickly walked to the other side of the village, to arrive at the hot spring.

While walking (Y/N) started a conversation with her friend.

Hey, could you please not only swim over to Giyuu and try talking to him... You always leave me all alone to go hang out with your 'not yet' boyfriend. (Y/N) said annoyed.

No way. Yuyu said.

What do you mean no way?! (Y/N) said and sounded more annoyed, while her head turned to Yuyus direction.

I need to build a relationship with this guy. Do you actually have any idea, how hard it is to stay around this emo? I look away for a moment and he's about to leave. Yuyu said as she sounded completely overwhelmed and exhausted.

Ah... ok..? So you two are still not dating? (Y/N) asked her.

No, but soon. Yuyu said confident as they walked forward.

‧₊˚Time skip˚₊‧

The two of them checked in and went to the changing rooms.

Can't wait to just lay in the hot water and forget about everything around me... (Y/N) said and smiled to her friend.

Yea same... Yuyu said and looked around.

(Y/N) could tell that her friend was probably looking for Giyuu, but she decided to not ask about it. It still annoyed her though. But avoiding arguments with this girl was probably a good idea, if (Y/N) wanted to relax.

They both put off their towels, quickly getting in the water so no one was gonna see their blank asses.

Well I wouldn't mind Giyuu seeing me like tha- Yuyu started but got interrupted by (Y/N).

I KNOW! (Y/N) said pretty loud. They then both laughed about the scene.

‧₊˚Time skip˚₊‧

(Y/N) and her friend haven't talked for about 30 minutes. They sometimes acted childish, but still are adults that can relax and shut up.

There were some other people at the hot spring. But mostly woman, what made (Y/N) and Yuyu feel really comfortable.

Some more time later, while (Y/N) and Yuyu were just quietly talking, (Y/N) could hear some really familiar voices coming from behind her. She looked back and saw two men, who were about to enter the water.

It was Sanemi with Giyuu.

The fuck is he- I mean are they doing here? (Y/N) said confused.

Who? Yuyu said and looked past (Y/N). GIYUUUUUU!?!? she quietly screamed as she saw him.

Yeah, I knew that he was gonna come here, but I didn't think he would bring Salami. (Y/N) said and looked to her friend again.

Yuyu chuckled a little as (Y/N) said this. Did you really just call him Salami?

Yeah. (Y/N) said and laughed as well.

(Y/N) looked behind her to see what they were doing. The moment she looked behind her she instantly had eye contact with Sanemi. As if he had already been looking at her. She stared at him for a moment and so did he. After he didn't break eye contact for about 10 seconds she gave him a confused expression.

He quickly turned away and swam somewhere else. (Y/N) watched him go and then noticed that he... was blushing?

Probably just the lighting here...

she thought.

It was nearly sunset.

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