ɪ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ sᴇᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ sᴍɪʟᴇ

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(thank you sm for 600 reads😭❤️)


She looked at him and wanted to say something but stopped, before getting another word out. She froze for a moment. She wanted him to stay, because for some reason she liked his company. (Y/N) doesn't like the way he was acting right now though.

I mean... nothing... Do what you want.

He raised an eyebrow at her reaction. She usually never acted this pissed... she seemed like she was taking something personal this time...

You sure? You seemed like you wanted to say something... he then tried to act as casual as possible again.

She ignored what he said and looked away from him.

He was really getting curious to know what she was mad about now.

Come on... what is it? Did I do something wrong? He started to get a bit closer to her, which wasn't really his intention, so he was trying to play it off by stopping a few feet in front of her, without making it awkward.

(Y/N) again didn't say anything and ignored him completely, looking away from him.

This was making him slightly pissed.

What the... What did I do to get her to be mad at me?

He felt as if he did something that deeply hurt her, but he couldn't figure out what. Anger boiled inside of him as she kept ignoring him.

Can you at least tell me what the fuck happened all of a sudden? Have you forgotten how to speak or something? Do you have to act like a damn 12 year old or can you just say what your fucking problem is?! Sanemi said and took her by her shoulder in order to turn her his way.

(Y/N) started smiling a little as he talked to her in that way.

Better. Stay like that, ok?

She said. He couldn't tell if she meant it in a nice or teasing way though.


Sanemi said and seemed really confused.

(Y/N) just shook her head and then turned herself completely to face him. I don't like you acting all shy and uninterested in talking to me... Can we just have a normal conversation like adults... jesus... I know we're naked but still. Act like you usually do-

(Y/N) said but got caught off by Sanemi who put his hand on (Y/N) mouth...

Hey... first of all, I act how I like to... and secondly... I AM NOT ACTING... S-SHY... I just...

Sure... she mumbled and still had his hand on her mouth.

After Sanemi realised that his hand had been resting on her mouth for a little too long he quickly pulled it back.

His hand had a lingering feeling in it from touching her mouth. He tried to fight off a blush as he moved back his hand, trying not to think too much about things like these.

Sorry... I'm just trying to relax... but with you here that will be impossible... he said while his tone turned into an annoyed one again.

It's my pleasure to annoy you everywhere I find you... Mr... (Y/N) said as she tried to sound noble and proud of her doing.

Sanemi signed and smiled lightly...

Damn... I don't think I've never seen you smile like that. (Y/N) said as her eyes widened. She suddenly felt a wave of confusion and fascination, seeing him smile like that.

What? Of course you've seen me smile before. he said confused and annoyed.

No I haven't... at least not like that. There is a difference between a mean smile and a warm smile, you know? Idiot... she said as she rolled her eyes. And just now your smile was warm.

There was an awkward silence for a small moment.

I.... well thank you... I guess. Sanemi said and lightly chuckled.

(Y/N) smiled back...

He seemed a bit surprised by her response.

Maybe this wasn't going to be that bad after all... Though he was still curious to know what she was planning to say before. So he decided to ask.

Now... um... before, uh, you tried to say something, right? What were you gonna say?

(Y/N) seemed surprised as he brought up this subject again. Her eyes widened and she quickly tried to think about an excuse...

Huh? Oh... I... I forgot.

(worst excuse ever)

He wasn't convinced by her answer. She was lying. He knew that for sure. Not only did he know her way too well, but he also saw the way she acted right now.

Of course you forgot... he said sarcastically while looking to the side.

Please... just say it... it's been bothering me... What were you gonna say?

Uh... I don't think it's necessary anymore... she said and tried to laugh it off.

She really didn't think it would be a good idea to tell him, that she actually liked his company... she felt like he was gonna make fun of her... or worse... but actually she shouldn't care about, what he thinks... he's just a stupid guy...

Ugh... Just say it. He said as he was getting a bit angry again because she was acting this weird.

(Y/N) kept quiet after Sanemi said that... Sanemi noticed that and felt like going even more aggressive with her.

He felt anger inside of him, while looking at her...

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