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Well... I have two options...

I could think that you're saying the truth and actually trying to confess something...

Or that you're just trying to mess with me and keep teasing me... he said and scratched the back of his head.

But... since I have seen you in action... I'm gonna take the second option...

EEEHH, wrong. she said with a serious and loving expression.

You're... kidding... right? he said with a surprised expression, he thought there was no way this could be true... he was so sure that she was just messing with him like usual...

For once... no I'm not... I'm actually in love with you Sanemi... he went silent when he heard those words... did he just hear that correctly?

Yo... you're serious?...

(Y/N) rolled her eyes with a smile as he asked her again if she was serious. Of COURSE, I'm serious you little-... she said and jokingly made movements as if she would choke him. You think I'm a slut that jumps butt naked on any dude's lap, just because she feels like it? she said and acted mad, which she wasn't actually.

He went quiet for a few seconds once again,.. he could see that she was acting all angry, but she was more like a playful angry... which was pretty cute. He smiled and chuckled lightly... her fake anger was funny to see.

Huh... so this is what your confession looks like?

Uhm... yes? You got a problem with that princess? she said and looked down on him not meaning anything mean.

He raised his eyebrow once he heard her calling him "princess" again... not only had he gotten used to that... he also secretly liked it. She gave him a nickname and usually you only give people nicknames, that you really like. So it might actually mean that she cared about him.

I'm starting to think that it's really you who's the princess here, sweetheart. he said and smirked.

Oh no no no. That's my nickname for you. You gotta figure out your own nickname for me. she said as she chucked, while leaning down a bit.

Sanemi looked up to her with smirk on his face while his eyes were nearly closed. After some seconds he came up with something.

You want me to call you... bitch?

He said with a teasing tone, he was just messing around with her now, he didn't know if the nickname "bitch" would rather make her mad or if she'd expect it.


She asked him and had a mix of confusion and embarrassment in her face. She like didn't expect that.

He had to control himself from not bursting out in laughter after he called her that... he didn't know if she would get mad at that... or just roll her eyes... Yes... Biiiitttchhhh... He was still teasing her.

(Y/N) now had a more annoyed expression on her face, while he was trying to hold back his stupid laugh.

After some seconds though, she lightly chuckled with him and smiled, what she tried to hold back.

You stupid idiot... alright.

He started laughing slightly as she started chuckling as well... it was pretty funny... this whole scene that was happening right now...

At least she wasn't mad about that nickname... even if it was unexpected.

So... no problem with that? Because I'm going to call you that every single time now. he said while still having a little laugh left in him.

It's ok... I kinda like it. she said with a smile on her lips.

Oh really? He said and chuckled again... you like it?

He was definitely going to call her Bitch from now on then...

Good... it fits you quite well, even if I would argue that it makes you sound more dominant than you actually are.

Before he could finish his sentence she blocked his mouth with her hand.

SHHHH, Shut up. She whispered and looked around. In the next moment Sanemi heard some footsteps.

𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 sᴀɴᴇᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now