Up for it~

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"The air is nice today," kyujin hummed, then looked up to see haewon leaving her.

"Yah, haewon wait up," she shouted "Okay, but stop shouting its too early in the morning for that" she replied and giggled at her friends silliness.

"Well it looked like you were leaving me" kyujin ran meeting her friends foot steps.

"I can never leave you your to loud for that," "Well you-" kyujin stopped not being able to reply as her phone rang cutting her off.

"Oh hey jiwoo" [yea, can you meet me and lily by our gate] "sure"[okay later]

kyujin turned to haewon starting to pick up her pace. "jiwoo wants us to meet her and lily at their gate".

haewon put her hands and her hips and sighed. " I know, there she is jumping up and down like she didn't just wake up".

Haewon sped up reaching the gate in a few minutes waiting for kyujin as she didn't want to run. "you could sign up for track you know" she huffed out as she finally met up with the rest.

"I tried, but I'm too fast for them". "Lets go, the others are at the front waiting on us" lily said after she hugged them.

When they met with the rest jiwoo finally asked they question off why they left out so early. "because we finally wanted to make a change" jinni said looking proud.

"No it's cause her mom rushed her out the house and she wanted us to come with her" sullyoon stated, and watched as jinni snaped her head at her calling her a snitch.

"enough you two the bus is here" bae said as she didn't want them to miss it like last time part of the reason they're here so early


"Why are the halls so crowded" sullyoon asked with her nose scrunched with confusion. " It looks like someone or some people finally decided to show up today" bae said with an annoyed look on her face.

The seven boys began to make their way over to us, finally escaping the crowd.

"and it's nmixx ~" Jungwon said his tone coming of a little too smooth, mocking our group name.

"Hello to you too Jungwon, haven't seen you in a while, you guys should have just left" haewon mumbled the last part under her breath.

"what is your problem haewon, do you wanna fight or something" he then asked. I shook my head and chucked. "we don't fight girls" I said watched as jake and jay chocked out a laugh trying to keep it in.

"Wanna dance, it out then" ni-ki asked as he pulled out his phone opening a calendar. "sure" was the only thing we could say as we watched him put his phone in front of us. "In three months which is in April we will have a dance competition" he then added.

" So you leave, for like three weeks then come back and try to challenge us" jiwoo asked looking at them, judging them with her eyes. "what are you too scared, not up for it" ni-ki said putting is phone back in his pocket.

"Fine we'll do it" haewon said folding her arms fating a look of disgust on them.

Heeseung then proceeded to turn around telling then crowd when, what and where everything was going to happen, and then left.

"They. are. a bunch of bullshit, there it is I just had to say it" lily spoke after putting her books in the locker. we agreed of course, it wasn't a lie. With the new month starting I am an 99.9 percent sure everyone including me wondered why we agreed to this.

We moved out he hallways and got to our respective classes, already late than it is. Why did they have to come today the air was so nice.

First Chapter DONE

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