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Why did I even bother waking up for school today. Yesterday was crazy, turns out jungwon lives in the same neighbourhood as the girls and he didn't even know.

There's only one more day to the weekend since it's friday so I should be alright. I took my my time in the shower and then put on my school uniform.

I went down the stairs to make a little breakfast for myself. "Hey mom" "morning jeongsong, don't you think your going to be late" "huh" I opened my phone and dropped the spatula.

"shit, it's eight fifty five" instead of making break fast I turned of the stove and grabbed an apple. "later mom" I kissed her on the cheek and took my car keys.

Now I have no problem being late, but I always pick up jungwon and he doesn't like being late, so he makes me pick him up by eight thirty and I'm currently late.

I drove up to his house glancing at the path the girls came through yesterday. He came in the car, resting is bag in between his legs

He looked at me with a smile before it's turning into a frown and then smacking me upside the head.

"What the fuck man" "I'm sorry I overslept, and woke up eight thirty five" I said rubbing the spot he hit.

"no shit, this is why I tell you to set an alarm so you can-" He stopped talking suddenly leaning over his seat to sniff me. "you smell go bro" I pushed his head back using my finger.

"as glad as I am that you think I smell good, don't ever sniff me like that again" "this is the first time you smelled good, I had to make sure" I agreed with him sarcastically then rolled my eyes.

"I bought a cologne last week and decided to use it today" I spoke as I drove off. "name" "Sauvage Dior" I answered him keeping my eyes on the road.

"should I buy one too". "I'm mean jungwon, If you wanted to smell like me, you could have just said so. "Shut up" He turned on the radio for some music and tuned me out.

I parked the car when when arrived at school, and jungwon practically just flew out the car. I recently just found out why jungwon likes to go to school early.

He likes the muffins and doughnuts at the outdoor canteen at the side of the school and he loves them when they are freshly made. So that's where he went when I let him off. I'm pretty sure he's probably the top customer aka student there.

He left a pack of extra gum on the seat. I'll take it as my reward for dropping him off at school everyday. I closed the car door, making my way to hell. I'm exaggerating I know but, this school is the worst.

The only reason we come here is for the performance art, so this school is basically annoying and you know what makes me feel better annoying other people, one person to specify.


Jiwoo POV


I came with the girls today, I went inside my clas while they went to buy some pastries from the outdoor canteen. Since last night the girls have been shaken up by the men that were sneaking in the bush.

To put my head on the desk comfortably, I put my hair in a high bun and gather my bangs in the middle, putting on a laced scrunchie to prevent the bun from coming down.

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