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Sunoo POV

Walking to my class I have to honest, my ass hurts, mostly because we had to practice yesterday for the stupid competition though the reason behind it is well off.

I swear I had something else to do I would not be in this position right now, which is trying to find a comfortable spot with my sore ass at this desk.

With five minutes of atoms and 1.2 million possibilities of molecules I was ready to leave, so thank god the bell rang soon after even though I had to go to my next period.

"Physics yay" I mumbled sarcasm trailing every word. Someone tapped on my desk with their pencil so I turned to my side.

"Hey yuna, how are you" I say as I watch her pull a seat to sit. "I'm good but you look uncomfortable" "oh my god it shows" she nodded. "What did you do" "we practiced" "for?" "ask your brother".

"I will" she paused for a second before she spoke again. "so where is heeseung" "he is supposed to be in P.E right now". I answered and she left it right there.

Well truth is I know she didn't want to leave it right there, she has a liking to heeseung for a while everyone but heeseung knows and I don't think he's going to know.

Heeseung can't break her heart, he is to prideful for that and scared. Prideful because he doesn't want other people to think of him that way and scared because if he did ni-ki would probably kill him.

Ni-ki of course knows what his little sister feels and he has told me that he wants to tell her she will get hurt but he can't but stay back.

Part of me tells me she came to this school because she found out heeseung goes here and I'm afraid she won't stop from confessing this time.


P.E just ended and I need a cold shower. I headed to lunch hungry too but I bump into yuna. "Hi hee" "what's up" she smiled up at me and brushed red hair.

"Getting some lunch, you" "me too actually but with the others" she looked over my shoulder where I pointed and asked if she could sit.

"sure, go right know and I'll get your lunch for you" she thanked me and walked over to the table. I hurried and ordered seeing that sullyoon and the others sat too.

I sat beside yoona and yuna which was very awkward because they were both talking to each other. "yeah our names are familiar" they conversated.

"I see you've met yuna, yoona" I bumped my shoulder with hers and she kissed her teeth. "Did you get my lunch" yuna interrupted. "Yeah, hope you like chicken nuggets" she laughed and to the tray.

""You know I do- ni-ki take a next nugget and I will bite your finger off" "ok jeez, it was just one" he went back on his phone.

"You know that I have something to do after school" Jake said which made us question him. "Why you never have anything to after school" he put it chop sticks down and got up.

"Ok rude, but today I have someone you need to meet and I have to go meet them now" he waved and took his tray with him.

"Weird he never does anything other than with us" "cool so the infamous sim jake has a life" Lily got up and said she was leaving too.

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