It's a date~

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"If I ever say 'let's stop being friends today'  kindly slap me in the face" haewon said from the couch, they were staying at her place again.

"I would smack you either way," jiwoo commented, earning a glare from haewon. "Ha, ha."

"Anyway, I'm looking for a new pair of shoes and since I was going to the store today and we're all here, why don't we go shopping?" bae suggested.

"That sounds fun," Lily said in english, and they all agreed.

"I can't go though," jini lets out a breath and tries to read the room.

"Why?" kyujin asked. "Well, I kinda sorta-ish have a date today, but it won't be for long."

"Huh, a date with who," bae joined in the conversation. "Sunoo"

"What!" they all yelled, causing a ring in jini's ear.

"It's not even that serious," she said, holding her left ear had they all screamed on her left side.

"How did that even happen?" Jiwoo asked. "Well..."

"Oh no, are we about to have one of those crazy flash back time thingies?" sullyoon tiredly commented. "Yes, I am afraid so."

"It started yesterday, I was happily getting coffee in a coffee shop, obviously.


"Here's your medium caramel coffee." The waitress smiled, and I thanked her.

While walking to the door with the now steaming hot coffee in hand, I bumped in a tall man

"Wow, was it sunoo?" "shh, don't interrupt my flashback."

As I was saying, I bumped into a tall man.

"Oh shit" "ah fuck" we both said at the same time and when I looked up I saw sunoo and my spilled coffee on his shirt.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you," sunoo pressed his lips together and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hide his pain from the hot coffee.

"It's fine, really" sunoo for some reason tried to brush the coffee off but that only spread the hot liquid more causing him to wince.

"I should just go, I left my wallet anyway" I grabbed him by his arm before he could leave which made him turn around.

"Please, now I feel bad, let me pay you back somehow" I looked for any signs of him agreeing before he finally sighed.

"How about same time tomorrow you buy me coffee minus the spilling it on me part"

End  flashback

"Wow so coquette" bae commented. "Right, it sounded like something out of a strangers to lovers k-drama except you two aren't strangers" jiwoo spoke.

"No wonder you dressed up so nice" sullyoon said. "I always dress up nice, I do right?" Jini asked confused.

"That's not the point, you dressed up for him" lily joked. "This is why I never tell you guys anything" jini said getting up.

"He just texted me, don't shop too much okay" jini took her purse and walked out the door.

"She knows we're gonna do the exact opposite of what she just said right".


"This top is cute, I'm getting it" lily squealed. "Omg, these jeans, I've been wanting bell bottoms, I'm getting it" haewon said.

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