Damn you~

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sighed reaching in my classroom, I am not really the best in this class and I would prefer to have good company.

The girls aren't in this class in the mornings but after lunch we share a few classes together.

I sat down in my seat hearing the students chatter as the teacher had not entered the glass room. "I fucking hate history" I grunted out. And to make it all worse, the son of a bitch is in my class.

"Hey yoona" Heeseung smirked pulling the empty seat out to sit next to me, I simply turned my head putting on a board look.

" can you like not sit beside me today, and you are not allowed to call me that". I said and watched his smirk turn into a smile.

"I am a student and allowed to sit anywhere, and out of all seats I choose to sit with you should be honored" I rubbed my temple and rubbed my lips together, pulling them away with a smack.

"fine, just don't be annoying" he was basically full on grinning at this point. "hm, okay"

The teacher finally walked in, the class going quiet in seconds as we saw her put down a stack of white papers. I can already guess, I think I jinxed my day being bad since I said it too much.

"Surprise, it's a surprise test" she chuckled out handing everyone a paper. When she came to our desk she looked at heeseung and sighed "No cheating" "okay" he said not batting her an eye.

He is definitely going to cheat, you can literally read the look on his face. When I start to write, he wrote the same thing. Of course he could just be actually understanding what he was doing but I doubt that.

Turns out I was staring too hard because the next second I Knew, the teacher was in front of me after heeseung said I was cheating.

"I am so disappointed in you, I expected this from him but not you" I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"detention after class, sullyoon" I nodded and hummed, looking at heeseung who was acting all innocent. "what" He asked lifting a brow.

"you- you are so, damn annoying " "Well if it makes you feel better, I can get myself in trouble and join you" "No thanks, I don't want to spend the rest of the day with you".

"What's wrong with spending the rest of the day with me, I'm sure you'll like it" " Heeseung, I said don't be annoying, your being annoying, stop" I turned away once again looking out the window. He chuckled again and put his head on the desk.

After school I was left in the classroom with the teacher- and heeseung. I tried to wake him up but he's being difficult. When the teacher left out for a while, my phone started to ring, waking him up.

"oh, so now you wake up" he shook his head smiling and ruffling his hair. I answered the phone rolling my eyes, as I watched him cock his head on his hand.

" Yes bae" [where are you, me and the rest are outside right now] " I am in detention" [what for] I looked at heeseung and talked aggressively "well, he lied and said I was cheating, and now he won't leave me alone" [wait he's there with you?] "yes, yes he is" [I feel bad for you] "mhm" [ okay bye, see you later].

I wanted to put in the group chat where I was if bae hadn't told them yet, but before I could my phone died, just great.

"do you- wanna borrow my charger" "no, I don't want anything that has to do with you" I hissed out and put my head on the desk.

I fell asleep after awhile, when the teacher knocked my desk telling me it's time to go I looked beside me and noticed heeseung was gone and that my phone was plugged in with his charger. I blushed and immediately smacked myself for doing it.

I unplugged his charger and put it in my bag while I took the phone and checked the percent, 100 percent.

 Now I have to return it great. I say good bye to the teacher and walk to the bus stop, and I see him. I turned on my heel and tried to go the next way but he grabbed my bag stopping me from going further. Damn

                                                              Second Chapter Done

                                                               I wrote this at school

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