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Jiwoo POV

Drama that's the class I have today, honestly it's relatable because that's how my life feels like it is in right now.

We came early along with the board and some members of the student council.

I am starving but I decided to skip breakfast, there was nothing good to eat anyways, but also tired too, I went to bed late last night to submit a late assignment.

"jiwoo" I squeez my eyes shut, I wish I went to sleep sooner. I sit up of the desk I was laying my head on and turned my head in front.

"What do you want jay" " do you remember the time you slapped me" "yes jay, you never let me forget it" he smiled at that.

"It's time for my revenge" he said as he placed a brown paper bag on my desk.

"You are gonna eat these doughnuts again, a mini one and a normal one, with chocolate" "sounds familiar" he added.

"I'm not hungry" but it was a perfectly bad timing as my stomach growled.

"It's like your asking me to feed you" "what, no that's absurd" he raised and eyebrow at me and pulled a chair close to sit.

"Two things, were going to pretend that I know what 'absurd' means and-" "that is not how I sound" "you sound like that to me, now as I was saying" your going to eat these doughnuts, or get slapped back"

And I scoffed, of course I scoffed who wouldn't scoff. "You would never" "try me jiwoo-ah" "plus I don't want you to starve beside me" I opened the brown bag taking a hold of my order "fine I'll eat it"


I have never met a person so self conscious, I don't know why but I won't make her feel like she is different from anybody else.

"woo" "hm" she finished with the doughnuts. "I see you're used to the nickname" "well you won't shut up so I don't see anything else I can do" I place my chin up on the edge of the desk.

"Your looking cute right now" her ears turned red. "stop it" " stop what" I say straight acting clueless. "Stop saying things like that" "jiwoo" "what" "you have chocolate on you lip" "really where"

"Would you like me to take it off for you" I said taking some paper towels I got from out the bag.

"No, I can do it myself" "no let me" I said as I got closer to her face but she pushed me back in my chair.

"Woo you are so naughty what were you thinking" she took the napkin and wiped her mouth off.

"yah, is it fun for you to piss me off" I nodded with a teasing smile. "you-you wouldn't actually slap me, would you" she asked so I brought my face close to hers again.

"yeah and I wouldn't actually wipe the chocolate off you mouth" she rested her head on the desk before she mumbled a small shut up before dozing off a little.

Jay---> Sunghoon

Friends such a light word with a short and strong meaning, a new label for rivals since the start of the term.

At lunch we sat together, that agreed that we should eat together today since Lily skipped and sullyoon and heeseung weren't able to yesterday.

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