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Sunghoon POV

I got out he cab by the neighborhood's gate entrance walking into the park that I just saw a kid and his mother walked out of.

I walk in and saw them, my friends, more like my brothers because of the things we've been through together, not relevant but sure.

"So why the park" I asked Jungwon who was sitting with jay on the bench. "Oh- Sunghoon hyung" He finally noticed I was here.

I sat on the bench and manspreaded, putting my hands between them, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"yeah we decided to just stay the night at my place and hang out here" "Oh but sunoo said you were late, something about chasing someone you don't wanna lose" jay added.

I opened my eyes and looked at them, watching sunoo as he avoided my gaze, snitch.

"well, yeah, I was following, not chasing" I said folding my arms, jake and heeseung left to the swings leaving me with the rest.

"who" jay asked, butting in. now this made me feel proud, I just saved a girl from almost getting harassed and used, but no way am I gonna tell them who it was.

"You know, lee soo min" "yeah" jay answered furrowing his brows. "what about him" I sighed and continued.

"well he was about to start, you know doing what he does" "oh, so you chased-I mean followed him stop him, good job man" he said hitting me on the shoulder.

"who was the person he was going to, you know" jungwon questioned. I paused for a good minute, making them look at me weirdly.

"well, who was it hyung" I looked at ni-ki, his face in his phone, but he was listening to the conversation.

"I don't know her name" well they don't have to know who it was, cause then they'll ask why I did it, and I don't have an answer for that.

"tell me something hyung, are you lying to me" ni-ki spoke again, closing his phone and turning it on the face. "what makes you think that" "because you crack you knuckles when your lying"

I looked down and I was, I didn't even notice I quickly move my hands apart and move my self further from him, I getting exposed.

"well, maybe I do, It has nothing to do with you" "so you like her~" I jumped out my seat faster than anything, making them all look at me concerned.

I cleared my throat and sat back down. "I- didn't say that" "but your face says it" "whatever, don't bring it up again" I said trying to change the subject right now.

"I don't think so " he then opened his phone and went in his gallery. "I know my fair share of girls, hyung so tell me if it's any of these".

he told me that, showing me the first girl on his album. "why do you have a bunch of pictures of girls" "never mind that, just say yes if it is her and no if it's not"

I rolled my eyes and fix my position on the bench to see his phone properly. "No" "is it her" "no" "her" "no" "her?" "no" "her" I paused, why is life like this. "bae, was it bae" "no"

I said that shaking my head a little too fast, making him eye me suspiciously. "I was just thinking about why you have a picture of bae in your phone" he closed his phone leaning over to push it in his pocket.

"all the pictures, on this phone, are the girls that I think are hot" I scoffed. "so you have bae as someone hot" "well yeah, I even asked her out once" "really" I asked amused, like anyone would find bae good looking.

"yeah, but that's when I found out she had an attitude problem" "yeah" I smiled and nodded, remembering her getting mad at me for helping her with her work today.

"you good bro" I snapped out of it and nodded again. "well then, if its not her then who is it" he said going back to the topic. but I can't answer that, cause it was her.

"I told you I don't know" I lied, but this time I refrained myself from cracking any knuckles. He rose his brows bringing them back down, checking my eyes to see if I was lying. He turned his direction to jake and got up.

"jake hyung let, me get on the swing now" Then he left me alone, I saw jake coming to me now. I brushed my I hands through my hair which made me remember, and I turned my head to jake only to see him staring at me already.

"hey jake" "hm" "In class today, bae was ranting about how she will never forgive me for what you did to her friend lily, what did you do"

I lied again, well half lie, it happened on the rooftop, but the rest is true though. Jake smiled like a maniac. "I locked her in the bathroom" I looked at him honestly surprised.

"for what" he stopped smiling and smacked his lips together. "let's just say it was for a good reason"

And I left it there, I don't like to pry into their business like they like to pry into mine, basically what ni-ki just did. I got up and stretched, our voices being the only sound in the neighborhood.

Was the only sound in the neighborhood, we just heard faint shouting, and all our heads turned to look at the gate were the bushes blocked what we see further on.

"jungwon" sunoo called, starting to hide behind me. "yes" "is your neighborhood haunted". "calm, down sunoo it's six o'clock, people could still be awake right now" jay said still looking at the bush.

Then we heard screaming. "so, who wants to check if, it's people just being crazy or something else" the all said not it, except for me and heeseung who didn't catch on fast enough.

"why" I whined. "can't we just leave them". "No, what if it's someone doing something, now go" sunoo pushed me and heeseung out the gate and locked it.

Me and heeseung walked to the bush and stopped and looked at each other. "go" he said. "no you go" I answered through gritted teeth. "as the oldest, I say you go first". "well as the smartest one here, I say you go first".

"what's taking you guys so long, go", jungwon yelled in a whisper from behind us. "Fine, how about we both go first" He nodded his head and we opened the bush the put our feet in. when we fully stepped out of the bush it was pitch silent.

No fucking way. They all jumped back, I looked at bae and she let out a shriek from behind the rest of them. Heeseung was just as shocked as me his mouth hanging open.

It looked like they didn't know it was us since one of them screamed run and they didn't even spare a second glance, not that they would even if they knew it was us. He looked at me again and covered his mouth, we went back to the playground when jungwon asked what was wrong "holy fuck"

Chapter Six Done

This chapter was supposed to be a double update yesterday but I was too tired :p

I put a rose under your bed, so nmixx is probably coming soon.

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