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Jinni POV

Yesterday jiwoo was acting weird when we came to give her the doughnuts. She went to the bathroom but when she came back she could barely hold any eye contact.

Today she came without us but when we went to her she looked, oddly perfectly fine she was even smiling.

"Jiwoo" I grabbed her hand and said. "Yesterday" I squinted my eyes and folded my arms.

"Are you fine now" "Yes thank you for caring but it was just a spark of the momment don't worry about it". Shook her head and forced my arms apart.

"Good, I just wanted to make sure you are fine". Suddenly lily pulled us into a group hug. It would have suprised me except it isn't the first time.

"we are gonna stay friends for ever right" she asked fake crying making us laugh at her.

"yes we're gonna stay friends together" I said with a little sass while patting her head.

"ok guess what" haewon gasped and pulled out of the hug making us look at her. "did you fry your air pods again" kyujin asked eyeing her.

"that was one time, and no" "then what" "the park just added a swing set. and my mom just made some wicked sandwiches, you know what that means" she paused waiting for someone to say it.

"picnic!" jiwoo blurted out. It's really nice to see she's feeling better and I think the rest of the girls think so as well.

"Oh,oh" bae jumped in saying. "My mom and dad are out visiting my grandma, so she said I can invite you guys so I don't have to be alone for the night".

"grandma elizabeth" lily asked in english. "yup". "love her she makes awsome cookies" "what about my cookies" bae said smiling expecting some complements.

"she can make them without burning them so we'll stick with ma elizabeth's cookies" sullyoon told her making us agree with her.

"well thats the last time I'm making cookies for you guys" bae scoffed. "we wouldn't want you to" sullyoon finally said before walking away.

"yoona, take that back right now" bae shouted chasing after her. "she got a head start" I muttered under my breath, but she heard me.

"yah you little-" "what, it's true" I said pointing down the hallway that yoona went down.

they all shook they're heads as the bell began to ring. "see you all later I said and graped my bag over my shoulder.


Kyujin POV


I'm in literature, it's my favourite class. I could just write my thoughts all day. I took out my journal which I decorated in purple and a violet color so I could write before class started.

January 29/2024

Today I walked in my class and sat down at the window seat looking down at the garded outside and listening to the students chatter waiting for the lesson to start.

I heard a commotion and looked up to see "Nishimura" I mumbled under my breath.

When a two faced, emo, nut sack son of a bitch walked in smiling and had the nerve to walk up to me. I just wish I could slap that smile right off his fa-

Snap, the sound was loud enough for me to pause and star at it. My point just broke, how ironic. "Writing a little hard pup, yeah"

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