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The class stared in shock, what just happen as student said. Well today what just happened is that she lost a best friend and knowing haewon she would tell the others and they wouldn't want to be her friends too.

She stormed out the class with sunghoon hesitantly following her.

"Where are you going" bae only look emotional less, you would think that she didn't feel anything if you didn't see the tear fall out her eye.

Sunghoon brought her into a hug feeling pity for her. He pat her head gently as he heard her broken sobs once again.

"Come on, I'll take you somewhere" "where" bae managed to get out wiping her tears as they just began to fall.

Instead sunghoon took her hand and led her to the abandoned court and sat her on the bench. He looked at her and brought her head into his chest.

"We aren't even that close so stop" even though she said that she continued to cry into his chest.

"can't let you cry alone can I" when it became quiet sunghoon sighed and raised her head to meet a puffy eyed bae.

"I could've told her the moment, I found you, why did you stop me".

"Did you see what just happened, I lost a friend probably all of them when she tells the others and imagine what they could've done if they found out sooner".

"that's no problem, it's my fault" "how,  is it your fault you did nothing" I tried to think off a away to calm her down but she wouldn't let me.

"There is a problem" she said as she stood up of the bench. "This is the problem, you helping me, talking to me like you've known me for years".

"Thats the point, im trying to help you" "well your not helping" and for the first time since we left the class room she shed a tear.

"and you're not supposed to help, cause my friends are supposed to help me" she sat back on the bench and began sobbing.

I went on my knee in front off her and shook her shoulders.

"Bae don't be like that, they're still your friends, and they never will stop, you've known them more than I've known you and your so lucky for that and that also shows they can never stop being your friend

your going to stop crying right now and let me help you, if you sit here and cry then they won't ever know the reason why you didn't tell them at first"

She stared for a second before nodding and wiping her tears away. "I should do that, right know" her saying that brought a smile to my face.

We got back to our classes before I saw jungwon again. "Yo sunghoon" he whispered so the teacher couldn't hear, but I know what he was trying to say.

"how long have you known again" "since the day it happened" jungwon smacked his lips before speaking again. "You should have seen haewon and I don't even know how to comfort people" "well it seems the feeling was mutual, but I comforted bae".

Jumgwon looked at me surprised. "You comforted bae" I squinted my eyes at him. "Yeah what about it" "Sunghoon and jungwon, talking about anything you want to share with the class" we both jumped
at the sudden voice at the teacher.

After we shook our heads as a no, jumgwon tapped my desk again "so what did you tell". "You boys don't mind to take a step outside would you" the teacher pointer her ruler at the door and rose a brow.


I walked to the bus stop no one waited for me like they usually would, expected cause she told everyone, but to be honest sunghoon made me see that it's not my fault and I need them to see that but how.

As I sat on the bus I wondered about everything that took place, though I was going to prove that it isn't my fault I could have told them earlier and could have avoided it, maybe haewon was right I don't trust them enough but that's not true.

I was just scared to see how they would react, I'll just think about it when I get home. I took up the key from inside the flower pot and opened the door.

"Hello, mom" as soon as I flicked the lights on jiwoo jumped on me. "Oh my god bae, are you ok. when I get my hands on that soomin I'm gonna punch him" "Please you'd get hurt in the process" jini hissed.

Jiwoo let go of me and looked at jini "Hey" "It's true". Haewon dropped her bag on the ground making me see that they were all here in my house.

"How did you guys.." "that's not why we we're here, explain" I dropped my bag too and sat on the couch.

"Let me start out by saying I'm sorry, but I didn't keep it from you because I didn't trust you guys, I was just scared, what if you guys judge me for what happened and I didn't want that so I didn't say anything, but I'm also going to say it's my fault too because I didn't trust you guys enough with something that I know you all will worry about so...."

I stood up and did a ninety degree bow in front of them. "I'm sorry". A sniffle came from in front of me which made my head move up, and haewon gave me a big hug and started crying.

"I'm sorry bae I don't know why I said that, I could never stop being your friend, and you can't always trust us we would never judge you, I don't know why I said what I said, forgive me" I laughed as they all surrounded me and started a group hug.

"Yes haewon I forgive you" she wiped her tears and locked her lips "now that we all made up, let watch a movie and sleepover since we're all in once spot". I love how we can never last a day of fighting and even if we do we would always end up at each other's house, so I wasn't even surprised that they got inside.

My house had a l shaped couch and a big screen TV hanged on the wall, led light around it creating a mood. " I found popcorn in you cabinet can I make it" kyujins head peeped out the kitchen. I nodded and she passed the packet to sullyoon.

"yoona make this" "you just said you were making it" "well I changed my minde" kyujin forcefully gave the popcorn to yoona and she rolled her eyes in return.

As we sat in the sofa lily covered us with blankets. "So what should we watch" "how about, inside out so when the second one comes out we'll be caught up".

"Sounds like a plan" we clicked play and started ro watch it. "I bet I know what's gonna happen next". "Shh, don't spoil it" lily scolded jini in english. "But we watched it already".

Update yayy

Listened to espresso writing this.


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