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It was Saturday and I still cant find my phone, apart from that. I can't find the girls anywhere and I think my parents came home cause I don't remember turning on the air conditioner.

I rubbed my eyes and went out my room and saw them sitting at the kitchen island while my parents are in the couch.

I gave them a peck on their cheek and went to the girls in the kitchen.

"good morning" they all said sounding sleepy. "why do you all sound like that" I pointed. "maybe because someone's clock woke us up" lily raised her brow.

"I just forgot it was Saturday" " uh huh, I believe you" jiwoo said placing her bowl in the sink.

"So when did you guys get home" I asked my parents taking out a bowl for my own cereal.

"Last night, and you left the door open, you're lucky no one came inside" my mom got up saying.

"sorry, mama" "It's fine just don't let it happen again" "and I tried calling you laat night but you didn't answer" that reminded me that I cant find my phone.

"It is off, it was dead but now it's charging so it's off" that sounded like a obvious lie but she believed me even though she asked why haewon scoffed.

"Oh, I have a surprise" "while your father was driving, we got stopped by an advertiser and they gave us tickets for a newly opened pool and a section which is booked for you only"

" wah, really" kyujin muttered. she has been saying she wants to swim. "yes but it is a guest range for this week is ten and up by the week after so you can invite some of your friends till the range gets low"

"and no boys" my father said sternly. I threw my head back and took the tickets from him.

" anyways me and your father have to go to work, I bought you guys swimming suits they are on my bed I think, bye girls".

They made their way out and closed the door.

"So are we going" jinni broke the silence. " I want to but we need more people" I sighed sitting on the couch.

"we can ask yeji, ryujin, lia and chae, if I can find my phone, has anyone seen my phone" I checked the couch to see if I put it down earlier.

"No and they can't come, today is yeji's birthday and hyunjin is throwing a party so they won't come" jiwoo said showing me hyunjin's twitter post for yeji's birthday.

"but my phone" I pouted then a knock sounded from the door. Who is it at this time.

I walked to the entrance with droopy steps and opened the door. There stood seven boys at the door staring at me and I didn't think before slamming the door shut.

The girls heard the slam and came curiously looking at he door.

"Who was it" lily tipped to the peep whole but I pulled her back. "don't do that" I shook my head.

Another knock came and lily flashed my hands of and opened the door, and she almost slammed it again when a hand held it open, it was sunghoon.

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