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Today we're going to practice at my house, disappointed but not surprised, I'm the rich one, well only because I have  one extra room that we use as dance practice and a next one so when the girls come over we can stay in there.

But the first room is empty, well was empty we put of sound proof devices, speakers mirrors, a couch and even a mini fridge, so to them I'm basically their rich best friend.

Currently In my couch after just finish eating some tteokbokki watching a movie that just finished. 

"wait don't exit it, I wanna watch part two" kyujin whined ,amused by how the movie ended. "It's not a part two, it's a spin off" sullyoon said before walking up the stairs. 

"stop talking about a show, let's go, I haven't danced in a while" lily practically shouted before turning off the TV.

"oh really, so when you were blasting That's what I like last night, you weren't dancing at all" bae said eyeing her.

"was it that loud" "yes, yes it was". jiwoo looked  at the two and shook her head. "guys lets go" kyujin whined once more, exited to dance. "okay"

They all sat on the floor me being the only one that's standing up. "so what's an idea of a song we can dance to" I asked jinni rose her hand so I chose her. 

"why are you in charge" "cause it's my house, if you guys wanted to be in charge we would start by not going to my house every time, next person lily" I giggled at the pout on her lips.

"How about the song , how long by Charlie puth" lily said in English, her accent sounding cute.

"yeah, I heard it it's a nice song to dance to" jinni mentioned looking at her. "okay then, how long it is, kyujin and jiwoo, the choreography is in your hands, you others feel free to add anything you like, now then, get up and lets get to work. "okay~ it's time to begin our practice, fighting" kyujin said more like shouted.


Two hours and probably four hours more, in this damn practice room. Were sweating like crazy our shirts soaked through.

The song finally ended and we all basically hugged the floor, relaxing on it while panting.

"Guys". "hm". "should we go out, for a bite, I'm" I paused and swallowed, and opened my mouth to breath through it again.

" I'm starving" I continued. "Yeah, we should, but lets take a shower, oldest first" lily said before sitting up. 

" that's not  fair, me and kyujin did this whole thing" jiwoo protested folding her arms with a pout.

"well I picked out the song" lily then sticked her tongue out at the two then headed to the bathroom.

"for being the oldest she does act like the youngest" sullyoon said grabbing water bottles out of the mini fridge for us.

"you know, I don't know why we agreed to do this" " yeah we should have just fought them with our fist" bae said agreeing with me.

"well what's done is done, plus, since they had to be extra and announce it to the whole fucking school, we can't back out now" the all hummed and agreed. "lily's done, my turn".

We left out the house about five thirty walking down the street to meet the cab.

"yah stop troubling me, you're being annoying" lily screamed at kyujin.

"Well if you would've let me take a shower first then we wouldn't be in this position".

"Stop it" I told them as I watched them quiet down. " we have all taken a shower, we are clean now, everyone's happy and I - jiwoo" I watched as she stood there in position behind us.

"Jiwoo what's wrong" I said walking up to her. She shakenly pointed to the bush in front of us.

"That bush" "what about it jinni asked. "There someone behind it" sullyoon said making jiwoo look at her going to hug her side.

"You saw it too, right yoona" jiwoo asked and sullyoon nodded a yes.

"no way, then why are we standing here lets go". I said stepping away from the bush, but kyujin stepped forward.

"What if its a dog" she said bending down trying to get a better look. " I-I don't think it is" lily spoke stepping back with me

It was quite for a while, the bush stoped rustling and kyujin was still trying to get a better look.

We all squinted a little our head pushing out see when the bush started moving again, but when a foot, no feet came out, kyujin jumped up and we jumped back.

When the images of two very tall men emerged from the bush we shuddered and bae even shrieked.

We stared blankly at the males, we couldn't see there faces since its dark out, only the street lights were making us see casting a shadow on their faces.

Before they could take a step forward I screamed , "Run" and we dashed down the street. Who the fuck was that.

Sixth Chapter Done

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