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"So when the fuck were you gonna tell us huh" "I was, but I thought it would worry you guys" with a scoff she threw the computer on the desk the whole class staring in awe at her action. Without knowing haewon started to cry.


"Oh my god just help me, this isn't tutoring" jungwon whined. "It not my fault you got an F on your report card" haewon spat back. "Unbelievable" jungwon huffed out.

"If you won't help, I'm leaving" "fine, I will, but" "there is always a but" haewon raised her brow and continued.

"But you will have to tell me something in return" when she said that jungwon gave her a confused look.

"Like" he questioned " when we get there, now first question" just as she was about to explain it they were interrupted.

"What's this yang being tutored by haewon" "shut up chan" the said male smiled dimples on display.

"Is bothering me why you came here" "No actually that's not why though I wouldn't pass on the chance to"

"Say it then leave" haewon asked impatiently. "It's for you actually haewon, the principal called you"

"She passed by the council room earlier and informed me to tell you to come see her immediately"

"Did I do something" haewon started panicking, thinking about what she could have done earlier in the day.

"You are such a an over thinker, you didn't do anything wrong, in fact the principal even had a concerned look on her face" chan explained.

"Is that so" "mhm"  haewon wondered for a moment what might be the problem.

"Jungwon, can we continue this tomorrow" "sure it's not like your teaching me anything" "yah, I was just about to" as haewon left the table jungwon followed too.

"She asked to see me" "so if you did something bad I wanna be the first to know" she shook her head and made her way to the principals office.

"Good luck" chan said and left to the council room. She knocked on the door and watch as jungwon leaned on the wall. "Come in".

"Did you call me, Miss Oh" "yes I did" she clasped her hands on the desk and gave haewon a stirn look.

"You, are by chance friends with jin bae, right" haewon looked as confused as before. "did she do something wrong".

"No she did not, and by the looks of it, I am guessing she did not tell you" "I don't understand, tell me what".

The principal turned her computer showing a camera footage that was caught in the janitors closet, and what haewon saw left her shook.

"When was this" haewon asked still staring at the computer. "About a week ago" haewon rolled her palms into fist and took hold of the computer on the table.

"haewon, you can't take that" but before she could continue haewon left after slamming the door close startling jungwon who was not so patiently waiting.

"What happened" jungwon looked at haewon with the computer in her hand. "Is that" "yes and we are going to have a talk".

meanwhile bae was in the middle of her biology class sitting at the desk beside sunghoon.

"I am going to ask for a seating chart, because you don't sit beside me in this class" "well I do now" bae rested her head so she could try and sleep.

"Could you stop that" "stop what" sunghoon asked acting clueless "stop clicking the pen on the desk" "jeez"

"am I too loud for you, bae" "don't say my name like that" bae said as she hid her face in her hands.

"really but your blushing so I think you-" "Haewon no" a shouting jungwon sounded outside the classroom, but he was too late when haewon busted through the classroom door.

"Haewon your in the middle of my class" haewon sent the teacher a look which made him stop talking  and bae looked just as shocked seeing her friend act like that.

"Yah, Bae jinsol" bae flinched as her voice took the whole class by shock. "Are we fucking nothing to you" haewon said as she marched in front of her.

"The fuck were you when we couldn't find you that day at lunch" and for bae every thing came together.

Bae was walking out her class after they have just been dismissed for lunch. She took the long way to the cafeteria since someone has been ringing her phone, It was the same person that has been calling her since the day she left her phone at the park.

She looked around for any teachers as she unlocked her phone. Many times she blocked the number but some how the person always got a chance to get it back. She wonders if the person just mistakes a wrong number, but it's impossible since they call back all the time.

She stood still looked at her phone, her thumb hovering the block button. She thinks if she blocks it again they would  call her back, she thinks she should.but before she could click it a hand came to cover her mouth.

Her phone dropped as released it to try and pry the hand off her mouth, her eyes widened as she saw lee soo min with an evil smile behind her, forcing her inside the closet unaware of  a camera watching him.

"So sad you didn't answer my calls" "it was you" she spoke, her voice muffled as soon mins hands were still covering her mouth.

(Skip to the regular text font if you don't want to read this part)

With one hand on her mouth he used the next hamd to unbuckle his belt, and that made bae scream squirming in his arms.

His hands have been cover her mouth, she could taste her saliva mixing with the sweat on his hands making her feel nasty.

His pants belt pulled off hand her laughed looking at her feeling helpless. His hand ran up her thigh as she shook her head violently. "No, please" she shouted once again.

"No one is going to hear you" he paused as he pulled out his phone putting on video as he smirked. He leaned down to her neck forcing her head up as she refused to stay still, that's when he heard the camera move. his hand applied more force to her face making it hard to breathe as bae gave up and passed out. He ended the recording and fixed his pants before running and leaving her inside the closet. She woke again in sunghoon's arms.

"So when the fuck were you gonna tell us huh" "I was, but I thought it would worry you guys" with a scoff she threw the computer on the desk the whole class staring in awe at her action. Without knowing haewon started to cry.

"Haewon am sorry" "who wouldn't worry" her voiced cracked at the end. "You can't fucking trust any of us to tell us" she then looked at sunghoon who held a guilty look.

"Did you know" he nodded and haewon licked inside her cheek.
"Great" "I-we have been your friend for your whole life and he's been your friend for like what, two weeks"

Haewon gulped before she took the laptop, the whole class stared at her. She stepped back after saying one last thing.

"From this day forward, we are no longer friends since you can't trust me with something like this" haewon left the room and bae stood in shock. She just lost a friend, forever.

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