Don't piss me off~

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I was walking to class with the girls, the hallways are much clearer this morning. We stopped at my locker noticing a string caught up in the bottom. I don't remember putting anything with strings or anything like that in there.

Now when I opened my locker, I did not expect to see balloons and a big bouquet of flowers, but I did. "Wow" jinni pushed me from my own locker taking out the flowers, the balloons sticking to the ceiling.

"ha, bae's got a secret admirer" Kyujin whispered in my ear. I sent her a glare and sighed. On the back of the balloons there was a love letter, and that's when they really went crazy. "open it" jiwoo pushed the letter against my chest.

"what if it is a love letter" she added. "It's probably not" "well how would we know if you don't open it" lily said staring me down. I close my locker and start walking with the girls following me.

"Guys chill, am gonna read it" I stopped and they stopped too, peeping over my shoulder. "can you guys back up, give me a little space" "sorry, now hurry and open it" I sighed and opened the letter the was decorated with hearts.

My love for you is as constant as the rising tides and boundless as the ocean. I am grateful for every moment I get to see you from afar, and I cannot wait to see you in person. I haven't talked to before, because I am too nervous for that, but today is the day I would like to see you and express my love for you. Meet me on the rooftop after school.

Your secret admirer

Sullyoon squealed after I finished reading it. I hate to say it but they were right, it was a secret admirer, it was there written in bold letters. "are you gonna go" jinni asked me. I nodded my head as we started.

"I have to turn him down" I said knowing was going to be a little sad, that letter sounded deep. "talk about that, someone has a crush on you" jiwoo said in a teasing voice.

"am I the only one surprised that she got a love letter" and for that I sent sullyoon a death glare.

When the bell rang we split up, leaving me alone for language arts. I had to read the letter once more and put it in my bag.


I saw the note she had, but she didn't see me. For some reason I'm going to ensure that, the admirer doesn't feel that way anymore.

She walked into English class taking a seat right in the middle. I walked over telling her desk mate to move so I could take a seat beside her. "

What are you doing here" bae said grimacing at me. "get fucking lost" she added and turned away from me. "I heard you got an admirer" I said after I put down my bag and manspreading under the desk.

"yeah, and, what does that have to do with you" I looked at her and smirked playfully, she turned and her eyes widened.

"are you stalking me park" she said pulling her desk away from me and squinting her eyes

"fuck no" I laughed pulling her desk back to where it was before. "you can say I happened to pass by". she rolled her eyes.

"whatever me having a crush, has nothing to do with you so leave me alone" I cocked an eye brow and turn from her focusing on the teacher that just came in.

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