Your the worse~

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It's a Wednesday, the middle of the week. I came to school alone since I had to do something for my mom, so now, I am currently looking for the girls.

Of course the hallways are crowded again. A person of fox like features bumped into me pushing me into the trail of a next hallway.

"sorry" he smiled and said, his voice coming off sweet. he helped take my books off the floor giving me one last glance and left, he was cute.

I turned only to bump into a chest. I looked up to see jay looking down at me smirking with his perfect jawline.

"to short to see where your going, huh jiwoo" "leave me alone" I walked around him, hearing him say not to bump into anyone else.

I just want to punch his perfect face. But I would have to reach up for that. As I was cursing under my breath, I saw the rest of the girls bye kyujins locker and I walked up to them


" hey look it's jiwoo" I had mentioned, pointing out to the girls that the mood maker has come.

"Hey how come, you didn't come with us today" I looked at jinni with disbelief. "I told she had to do something for her mom jinni" " How many times does she have to tell you jinni" sullyoon added giggling.

Me and the others have held the titles of Best friends for years, it's unexplanatory, I've known them for long and they're still here.

"I love you guys so much" I suddenly let out. "okay, weird but may I ask where that came from" bae said but I just shrugged my shoulders, I don't even know.

After the bell rang, we split up, but I took jiwoo with me since we both have math first period. Currently am failing this class, but people fail so no need to worry. I sat by the window with jiwoo and pulled out a note book.

Today we have a Major test, and we needed to finish it in this period. I started on the paper, me and jiwoo keeping it silent.

I constant tapping on my shoulder caused me to look over. "what" I whisper yelled, turning to look at a boy that sits behind me.

"Give some answers" "No" I turned after I said it but he tapped my shoulder again. "I said no, now stop" "If you give me answers then I'll stop".

I gave him a look before turning back to my paper" This time he kicked my chair forward. I would have fallen but jiwoo helped me.

When I looked up, I just had caught the attention of the whole class, including the teachers. "Mrs. Morrow, what is going on here" he asked as he walked up to my desk.

"The, boy behind me just kicked my chair because I didn't give him answers" the teacher then looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows. " is this true Mr. choi"

All he could do was grunt. "It seems I have gotten my answer then, Mr. choi you stay after school with me today, you others continue your test" the dude sent me a glare mumbling something I didn't catch.

I don't know why he chose me, because I'm about to fail this test myself, so basically I was just doing him a favor.

( ^-^ )

In the blink of an eye first period was over and I was now in the middle of lunch after my last two. I am now currently telling the girls what happened in math. "then he proceeded to kick my chair, I would've gone flying if jiwoo didn't catch me.

Jinni and kyujin laughed at me, quickly stuffing their faces after I just sent them a glare. "It's not funny, the whole class looked at me" I huffed out putting down my napkin finishing with my lunch.

"who would ask you for test answers" haewon giggled out. "exactly- hey, what's wrong with asking me for test answers" "do you hear yourself" bae said after putting up our trays.

"you guys can lie to me a little, you know" I would lie to you and say we don't have class but we do" sullyoon said standing up. " I'll go to the bathroom first then" I turned and left the cafeteria missing the pair of eyes that watched me.

I went to the sink to wash my hands and my face before starting a little convo to myself.

"Thank go they're only two periods left today, I have a lot of homework to do" I chuckled at myself after flashing and drying my hands.

The bathroom door swung open and my head snapped in the direction. "Jake what are you doing here, and in a girls bathroom at that" I asked folding my arms. "calm down, I just came to say hi"

He said it in English, his voice sounding strained, like panting almost like he ran here. "you, came all the way, to the girls bathroom, just to say hi". He looked to his side eyes widening, I started to come out but he pushed me back in side.

"Bye" he said closing the door. I watched him out side as he kept glancing to his side. "You know" I heard him say, his voice sounding muffled on the other side of the door followed by a click.

Then it hit me the nob is outside of the door. "You should get to class before you're late" He finished, and ran off. "wait jake don't- go" he left. I slide down the door and held my face in my hands, cause what kind of door without a key locks on the outside.

sim jaehyun, your the worst, I sighed out, now fully sitting on the floor. No he's even more than that, if I could just find the right words. he has been mean, but locking someone in a bathroom was too far and it was starting to get hot.

Ten minutes, ten minutes, just ten minutes of class missed, ten minutes of life missed, cause i'm here sweating and sitting on the floor, that was until the door opened. I almost fell on my back but I was so happy.

I quickly stood on my feet looking to see it was one of the janitors. I bowed to her fixing myself.

"thank you miss, but how did you find me" " oh" she laughed shaking her head and waving her hands around.

"It's nothing, I just saw you enter for a while now and you hadn't come out yet, I was going to clean it anyways" I nodded, making my way out the bathroom. " Thanks again" I said and made my way to get to the next twenty minutes of class

I burst the door open, the attention of the class on me for the second time today. "Mrs. morrow, your late, really late" "I have a pass" I got one, stopping at the office on my way here.

"then give it to me and go to your seat". I gave one look at kyujin who sits with me and silently banged my head against the desk. "long story" I breathed out.

Third Chapter Done

I changed the plot a little

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