Picnics and sleepovers~

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Sullyoon POV

Today is the day we are going to the park to have the picnic and stay a little late. I'm really exited because our park hasn't had a swing in years.

But since my parents are hardly even here I get to have a sleepover. I miss them even though I know they have work, but the most important thing is that they still make time for me.

I walk out of my boring chemistry class, heading to put my books in my locker. I decorated it in cinnamorol stickers from the inside. As i'm ready to close my locker someone does it before me.

"Hey yoona" he stood infront of me. I step to the side to walk away when I noticed him following me and sighed stopping to throw my head back.

"What do you want heeseung, can't you leave me alone" and I start to walk again and notice he's not leaving.

"What are you my tail or something"." No I'm a head type a guy" I stopped and watch him come in front of me to stoop down to my level staring right into my eyes. And did he just lick his lips.

I give him a small nuge and began to walk again and he is still trailing beside me. I really can't get an afternoon in peace. I look to see him smilling, what a stuck up.

"Didn't you say you say you were a head type of guy stop following me, your acting like a stalker" he ignored the last part of what I said and looked me up and down.

"You giving me a head" curse myself for blushing. I slapped him on the shoulder and shook my head.

" why a would you say that to me, what if I punched you for that, any other girl would" he hummed and grabbed one of my arms and started to shake it.

" with these things, I'm afraid there would be no damage done". He dropped by arm and I scoffed and punched him on the arm.

He did nothing far from a wince, so I turned and walked again. "Where are you even going in such a rush, school is far from done".

That drew a smile from my face  remembering that I'm going to hang out with my friends, but I refuse to tell him anything.

"anywhere without your presence, which is why I need you to leave". "That hurts" he said holding his chest with a painful expression.

"But if you tell me where your going later I'll leave you be" he stood in front of me. "Fuck you heeseung" " well do you want me to?" He said cornering me on a passing by door.

This idiot his getting on my nerves, I fisted the sweater over his uniform as I promised myself I wouldn't give in to what he wanted and tell him where we were going

"Looks like you really want me to" he said leaning down to my neck. My breath hitched and he leaned my head to side. "Y-yah what are you trying to do" my voice sounded shaky.

He pulled away scanning my face and sighed. " I was just joking yoona, take that look off your face" he spoke as he ruffled my hair. I pulled his hand off and leaned of the door.

"Do that again and I will not hesitate to punch you". "I'd like to se you try, but you might just get the chance if you don't tell me where you going" He shrugged his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, It's not like he knows where we live he won't be able to know. "We are going to a park in our neighborhood and before you ask" I pointed in his face. "I'm not telling you where I live".

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