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It was, in fact, not simple. How in the world was jake going to ask Lily out if he had a 'girlfriend'.

This is gonna be difficult. His whole friend group knows he's dating jae-ah and jae-ah dosent even like boys.

"Poor flower, she doesn't know any of this." "Didn't I say stop calling her that?" Jake was currently pacing around the house.

The worst thing that could happen is getting rejected, but he won't think about that because they were thinking of a plan to make sure that didn't happen.

"You don't have time for that. You guys have your dance off coming up." Oh, he forgot about that.

"That's isn't important, plus there is no use for it now." Once again, jae-ah is confused. She can't keep up with Jake's idiotic thinking.

"What do you mean not important anymore?" Jake stopped walking back and forth in the house and sat down on the sofa.

"We never really hated them. You know, for some reason, they hated us. Maybe it's because they think we're a threat to their little group or something."

"Then why do act mean back?" "To return their feelings, our original plan was to do a dance off, cancel at the last moment, and have

the whole school laugh at us which is a dumb idea, have them realize that we don't want to compete and then be friends but the friend thing happen way sooner than we expected so I guess we just let it go and- are you even listening to me"

"Oh, sorry, no, my friend just sent me this meme look." jake rolled his eyes and stood up. "Their gonna get stuck~" "I really can't with you."

"Well, you're lucky me and Lily are friends now. I text her every day, he he," she laughed.

"That's disgusting," Jake commented. "She told me she's gonna by herself alone, and I told her what you did," jae-ah pointed while giggling.

"Really, what did she say?" "She probably doesn't hate you anymore and then she says you're lucky to have

him as a boyfriend and stuff, and she tells me how you usually are a dumb playboy, no wonder why everyone was surprised you were in a relationship that lasted more than a month. "

"I am not a playboy. The girls just never interested me."Look, that flower is really a nice girl, so you can't just drop her like the others."

"Did you know Lily and I went to the same kindergarten?"

"Wah really?"Yes, back then, I wasn't as popular as I am now, I had no friends because everyone bullied me

I was the shortest in the class, and I couldn't really speak Korean either, and because of the whole class stares, I started to become nervous and developed a habit of biting my lips. "

"But you still do that, don't you?"

"Shut up and listen, anyway I was getting bullied again, and she backed me up, and it helped because she was

from Australia, too, and she also couldn't speak Korean well. They laughed at her after she told them to stop, but she didn't care. "

"Such a cute childhood story, you went through all that after you left me and poor Hana."

"I didn't leave you. My parents basically just dragged me away." Jae-ah waved it off and crossed her legs.

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