Friends and rizzbooks~

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Lily POV

It's Monday and another week, walking to the school gate is a normal routine for us. Me and the others, hoping that today won't be a bust as we stand at the entrance of the school.

When we hear a cough multiple actually, like they are trying to get our attention we turn around only to met with the presence of seven males which was not expected.

"What are you waiting for " jungwon was the first to speak seeing as he finally caught our attention. "We were looking for a reason to go inside, and now we found it" jini looked the boys up and down.

Haewon took my hand as we followed and walked into the school ground with the males following.

"We are at my locker, I think the most appropriate thing is for you guys to stop following us" I huffed out taking my books.

"What are guys still doing here" haewon asked, as the boys looked like they wanted to say something.

Jake walked up and spoke words I thought I would never hear in my entire life. "let's be friends" my jaw dropped so did the others but you could probably fit a  whole sandwich in mine.

"So you think hanging out with us one time is enough for us to be friends" I said with a grimace. "Yes" Jake replied . "You have so much nerve" he shrugged his shoulders and pointed behind him.

"They don't seem to have a problem with it" "Jake are you out of your mind, but of course you never think" why is no one saying anything but me.

"Guys, back me up here" " maybe we should try" I looked at haewon with a shocked face that was the same as the boys behind me, which shows that they had not expected one of us to say yes.

"You're being serious" "Yeah, it's better than them bothering us" kyujin  was quietly listening when she snorted.

"You guys are crazy" she wrapped her books then left which was a surprise since she wasn't saying anything the whole time.

"I'm not being apart of this" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "When did you guys even-" "hyung~" a girl stepped right in front of me completely ignoring my presence.

"Jake hyung" she said again as he turned to look at her. "Sir asked me to carry some papers but they're too heavy do you think you can help, please hyung"

I was waiting for him to answer so I can get my point back in, but her face was irritating me, the way she blinks so much and the make up and the short uniform makes me wanna puke.

"I'm sorry but the first bell is about to ring and I will be late for class, so can you ask someone else" her mouth fell into a sickening pout and she nodded and left.

I exhaled and looked at them again as the bell had just rang "don't expect to see me at lunch". I turned and left.


Sullyoon POV

The word had already spread and it has not even been a day yet, that we had become friends with the least expected.

I was supposed to be at lunch but I had gotten held back with heeseung. It not a surprise that he got held back, but for me it's unreasonable.

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