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"Wake up, I have to go on the road today" my mom knocked on my door and I groaned.

"Yeah, yeah" I got up off the bed a went to kiss her on her cheek but she pushed  me away.

"Brush your teeth" she spoke in my ear and hugged me instead. "Where are you even going". "To the mall" on my to the bathroom I turned my head towards her.

"Can I come" "No Lily, plus you have somewhere to go already" Truth is when haewon texted me about what they said in the group chat my mom saw and told me to go but I didn't want to.

"But mom" "what I said is final, your best friends asked you, I'm surprised you don't want go" I sighed.

"But it's not just them" she looked at me like she was about to shout but smacked her lips together.

"Fine I'll go" "good ok bye mom" "bye honey and wear something cool it's hot out today" she left and the house became quiet.

My phone dinged creating an eco in the living room. It was haewon texting me to remember to be there at five, it was now for thirty so I had to get ready now.

I wore an of the shoulder blue flower pattern crop top with a jean cargo pants and a white Nike. I walked out the house and took out my phone


Where is it again

You know where🙄

Look haewon
I don't want to go

Your coming
and in case you forgot
It's the place you love to hang out.

Whatever I'll be there in five

Just hurry
Kyujin and jiwoo are being annoying😤

"Thank you so much sir" I tipped the Uber driver and came out the car. "There she is" kyujin waved signaling me to come inside.

"Lily, you came I thought you forgot" "shut up haewon" I look to the guys and nodded when they all said hi, then I looked to the right and saw Jae-ah

She had a bright smile on her face, like she was happy to meet me which made me smile unconsciously.

"So, I am here what to we do now" "hangout you idiot" I glared at Jake and Jae-ah tapped my shoulder.

"What he meant to say is that we should go and order our food" "why didn't you order, you were here before me" "I was waiting for you, let's go"

She took my hand and we stepped into the line. She looked at me with the same pretty smile again.

"I am happy to meet someone from Australia like me" "really" "yes, in Korea I barely meet any girls so I'm glad we have something in common" "me too".

We took a step up in the line and she spoke again. "So last night I wanted to talk to you since you said you spoke english but I don't think Jake is very fond of you" "you think so"

She laughed her bangs sliding to the side as she tilted her head. "What did he do, because I find you too nice for you to do anything mean".

"Well he locked me in a bathroom for no reason and he never tried to explain it and talks about it like it was nothing and overall he just rude and doesn't care about anyone, except for you I'm sure".

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