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I finished my meal and sat up to wash my plate and place it in the dishwasher. I heard a small shuffling noise next to me and I saw greeted by a Wally that looked quite similar to Original but his  voice was a bit more ... sassy..

"Hey there—do you mind putting my plate away." It was more of a command than a question and I just looked at him, slightly irritated at his bratty attitude.

"What? You really don't know me?" Scoff "I am Actor Wally! I'm quite well-known it's a shame you don't recognize me. How embarrassing for you to live under a rock!" He huffed at me and pushed the plate into my hands as he excused himself, walking into the living room.

"Some Wally's are assholes huh? It's whatever though I'll just take his plate." A stern voice called from behind me, I turned and saw RF with his...erm..paw out, waiting for me to hand the plate. I slowly handed it to him but kept eye contact on his paw.

"You got some sort of staring problem? Usually people look at my prosthetic but you—oh...this. Yeah yeah, half-cat thingy, get over it Y/N." He sighed and turned to walk away but I quicker grabbed his arm and looked up to him, "Can I see it again? It's quite cute.." I mumbled a little, his face turned slightly red but he complied and held his paw out, I looked down at it in awe as I poked his paw pads. I slowly started to rub them and look into them more, asking various questions about him being half-cat even though I spoke too fast for him to answer.

"That's enough! You're time is up, this is only getting humiliating." I looked around to see Opposite and one other Wally snickering a little at him, RF's face flushed with embarrassment as he tugged his hand away, wiping it on his shirt.

"Opposite,Beach Town, you guys are digging your own way into the grinder." He gave a cold stare to  the two as they started to burst into laughter, mocking him with small cat noises jokingly. RF growled a little at this and walked up to them, kicking Opposite in the stomach and grabbing Beach Town, pulling him into his grasp, "I am going to kill both of you.." he whispered in a harsh tone.

"Awwwww~ do you need CATNIP?" Beach Town started to giggle at him , RF threw him on the ground but the twos fit of laughter didn't stop.

I walked up to RF and offered him a chance to relax with me on the couch, he nodded hesitantly and followed me. I patted the cushion next to mine for him to sit, Watcher was seated as well talking with a tall but slightly shorter Wally, Grayscale still rested on the seat and Original decided to join us.

"Hello Y/N! I'm shocked to see you talking to RF! Not many people like him." He kept and innocent smirk but RF only angrily looked at him. "Hah- well he's literally half cat! How can I not love him?!" RFs face grew a little flushed at my words but his demeanor remained cold, Original frowned just slightly at this.

"Oh? Are you in love? I do not quite understand ha ha ha!" I realized I probably worded it wrong for the little puppet and waved my hands around slightly , "No no no! I meant in a 'neighborly' way!" I smiled nervously but Original seemed alright with that, I turned my attention to RF and looked at his prosthetic. "Not to intrude on your life or anything but how'd you get that?" I pointed at it , I was a bit worried I would come off as insensitive but he didn't seem to mind it as he vaguely spoke about this grinder at a factory he owned. I would shudder at the description of his injury but I didn't fail to realize he was definitely leaving some parts out of his story though I didn't pry into it.

I checked the time and noticed it was already past 10 and I decided it was time to rest as I most definitely had a lot to handle tomorrow with all of these puppets. I sat up and clapped for everyone's attention, "Hey! Alright so I think most of us are all ready for bed, it's getting quite late so if anyone is tired you can rest in this living room or in my room though don't expect there to be much room on the bed.." they all nodded as I saw Original raise his hand up, "Oh oh! Neighbor I wish to sleep with you." He smiled widely at me, I nodded in approval and went to pick up Grayscale, it was an automatic yes to him sleeping with me. RF, Watcher , Opposite and Beach Town were fine with laying down in the living room so I pointed to the closet which had blankets, the few other Wallys I saw agreed it was best.

Lovesick, Actor, Priest and Original stuck by my side though as I held onto an already sleeping Grayscale.

"Love could I possibly sleep with you?~ I know you must be very warm!" Lovesick put his hand onto my shoulder as he waited for an answer, I just groaned a little and told them to all follow me.

They all walked with me up the stairs and into my room, I laid Grayscale onto the bed already and excused myself to change in the bathroom; returning with pajamas on.

I laid down and told them to figure out how to sleep on their own because I was not awake enough to help them and that they already knew where to find pillows and blankets.

I felt Original cuddle up behind me while I hugged Grayscale, he was warm for a puppet and it made me smile. He was quite short though so he only snuggled up into my back, Priest laid closely in front of me, Lovesick and Actor had a quiet argument over who deserved where.

"You idiot! I am THE Actor Wally, well-known all around so obviously I deserve to sleep here, you're too obsessed with Y/N."

"If I am so obsessed then why are you so troubled to sleep near them? Quite pathetic huh~? Don't be a hypocrite."

This went on for a few minutes until it was settled, Lovesick laid behind Original and me while Actor decide to lay down near my feet, turned on the opposing side though, making small mumbling sounds as he cursed Lovesick.

Lovesick wrapped his arms around me barely while Original was a bit unfortunately sandwiched between us now but I let it happen as I felt myself grow more and more tired, I yawned and sighed a little.

Original started whispering quietly, "I'm sleeping...I'm sleeping...I'm sleeping.." which was a bit creepy and weird but his voice was calming and I wasn't energized enough to worry about it as I fell asleep.

" which was a bit creepy and weird but his voice was calming and I wasn't energized enough to worry about it as I fell asleep

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1187 words

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