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I was easily distracted during our time making snacks, of course I was fixated on one person,,,


I feel guilty about the way I reacted when he was simply looking for the affection I led him on to get. How am I supposed to warm him back up to me. Looking at the boiling apple slices I finally have an idea of what to do. Dismissing myself from Mafia and Watcher I look around for Opposite. I searched around half the house and decided to look in my arts and crafts room. The door was slightly open and so I pushed it out more and peeked my head through.

"There there Opposite, life has small obstacles such as those. It doesn't mean you must jump to conclusions, just be patient.."

Priest sat there giving small reassurances to Opposite, who faced the ground with no response. Most likely sulking.

"Oh dear! Hello Y/N, did you need something? Or...someone?"

"Hah, I do need someone. Opposite will you come downstairs with me please." I tried to keep my voice tender and gentle when speaking to him. He didn't face me but stood up and walked to me while still staring at the floor.

As much as I wish I didn't hear it, the small sniffling sound of him forcing his tears back was gut wrenching for me. I mean sure, Opposite is a jackass and all but nobody deserves to be heart broken.

I wanted him to keep his ego so I just kept leading him to the kitchen, there Mafia turned for me with a confused expression, "Hey, the apples are ready Doll, where have you been ?!" He looked a little disappointed that I arrived with Opposite but did not comment. "I guess me and Watcher will feed the other Wally's, do what you needed done so bad." A small wave of relief washed over my face as I thanked Mafia in my mind for letting us be.

I turned to Opposite who was staring at the empty dishes, the tears and sounds no longer shown and just the slightest hint of puffiness in his eyes. "What did you bring me here for." Rather than just a question, it sounded like a harsh ask, reluctantly I went to the fridge and pulled out a bag of preserved plums. "I don't you don't like Apples as much, and Ive been meaning to spend better time with you so I thought we could make food together for both of us."

"Don't beat around the fucking bush Y/N. Why are you doing this for me."

Setting the plums on the kitchen counter, I sighed. "I'm just trying to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I want to make things better."

"Tough luck."

He was right, I had little to no chance of gaining his trust to fast, I disappoint myself honestly.

Looking down at the plums, I smile lightly to myself, "Let's just get started on...Plum Cobbler!"

Opposite nods his head and grabs the necessary ingredients.

-8 pitted and sliced plums
-1/3 cup light brown sugar
-2 tablespoons apple brandy
-1/2 Granny Smith apple
-3 tablespoons cornstarch
-1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Setting these ingredients on the side for the filling of the Cobbler, we got the ingredients for the toppings

-1 cup all-purpose flour
-1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/3 cup granulated sugar
-8 tablespoons unsalted butter
-2/3 cup heavy whipping cream
-1 tablespoon course sugar for topping
-vanilla ice cream

Opposite seemed dazed as the delicious sighting in front of him, every ingredient making his mood change more into a hungry and eager set.

"Thank you Y/N. I haven't had even a glance at a dessert since I had seen Poppy." He smiled a little, but didn't look at me. I still had to wait.

I started to preheat the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Grabbing a large mixing bowl I instructed Opposite to pass me the plums, brown sugar, brandy, grated apple, cornstarch and cinnamon, he put them all into the bowl and I mixed.

Once we deemed it mixed enough, Opposite grabbed a spoon and poured the mixture into a cast-iron skillet. (In the recipe the skillet should be 9" or 10" 😋)

Grabbing a mixing bowl of a medium size, we put together the flour, baking powder, salt and granulated sugar. After, we added in our butter. Grabbing a pastry blender from a nearby cabinet we cut in the butter until the mixture resembled a coarse meal. Adding in the cream we stirred all of it together until it moistened.

Opposite used a spatula to gently press the mixture together; forming loose dough. He took the dough and crumbled it over the plums mixture. Covering it lightly with the one tablespoon of coarse sugar.

Putting our stuff into the oven we let it bake until the top was a gold brown, and the filling was visibly bubbling (about 45 minutes.) and once we took it out we topped it with ice cream after it cooled.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment I grinned and looked over to Opposite who had a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at the Plum Cobbler.

"Are you drooling over dessert?" I felt myself snicker a little, causing Opposite to trap out of his daze quickly. "What?! No! I wouldn't do such a stupid thing." His face turned red and he looked down.

His reaction satisfied me and I took the fork previously used and scooped a bitesized amount out. Raising it towards Opposites face.

"Say ahh.."

He looked disgusted at me but slowly opened his mouth, taking in the delightful taste of the Cobbler, his face widened and he swallowed.

"Holy shit Y/N, this is the best thing you've ever made!" He snatched the fork from my hands and started digging into the Cobbler, taking huge bites and swallowing, making a mess of crumbs on the floor. He stopped suddenly with a forkful and brought it up to my mouth instead.

"Take a bite."

"You're stupid, I'm not taking a bite!"

"I'll forgive you Y/N if you take a bite."

"You prick."


Yes thats a real recipie ...

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