Clearing Up A Bit (NOT A CHAPTER)

488 17 23

Hello everyone! Dont worry I havent forgotten about my stories but ive been so busy and school has only just ended for me! My delayed posts will hopefully be made up for and im sorry for all the comments i havent responded to, i haven't even had the time to open up wattpad and look at notifications. I will do my best to eventually post more but for the time being, excuse my absence.

I want to apologize for my absence as well, just excusing myself doesnt seem good enough for me (lol), but I am sorry that ive made a few empty promises to post more just for it to not happen.

Also I am running low on ideas so any suggestions on what interactions to do or who I should give more attention to for a chapter would be much appreciated! I dont want anyone to feel bored reading this.

Thank you everyone for reading :)!

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