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Opposite walked closely behind me, one hand grabbing tightly onto your shoulder as I guided him to my car.

"Won't it be weird for people to see a living puppet with you?" He got into the passenger while I sat in the driver's seat. "Just ignore everyone else. They are not our worried now alright?" I gripped the steering wheel as I started to drive; I tried to act all calm when I spoke in an attempt to relax Opposite but he always seemed on-edge and difficult to communicate with.

"You're pissing me off with this facade of acting like everything will be okay!" He spat his words harshly as if he was trying his hardest to insult me. Thank goodness I was prepared he'd be trying to agitate me.

I didn't respond to him and started humming "The Masochism Tango" by Tom Lehrer, the lovely tune filling the remaining silence in the car. Opposite took note of that and tapped one finger on the side to the rhythm. Everything felt more calmly regardless of Opposite being grumpy to the side of me.

Engrossed in the song I started singing to the tapping sound,

"And I envy the rose
That you held in your teeth, love
With the thorns underneath, love
Sticking into your gums!"

I pulled into a very small parking lot surrounded by flowers. The singing and rhythmic tapping was halted and I laughed at the feeling of finally having a some-what enjoyable moment with Opposite.

"You have a...nice singing voice." Opposite mumbled quietly.

I hummed in response, exiting the car we both stood around the surrounding fields of flowers. "A flower park! Flowers calm me down. I hope they do the same for you." I sighed and started to lead Opposite to a slightly wide trail, grasping his hand and holding his close to me. I felt Opposite jolt a bit at our connecting hands.

Opposite had barely spoken throughout the car ride to now; perhaps he was finally relaxing.

Finding an area with a bench near a bunch of  Crab Blossom trees. I sped-walked to the benched and sat Opposite down next to me.

"Y/N, what the hell is this all about? This is not helping me."

"Did you know these blossoms were a symbol of love?" Completely ignoring Opposites statement I looked over at him, smiling just slightly.


"Did you know these blossoms were a symbol of love?"

What? What the fuck are they saying?

Y/N looked at me, their eyes staring into mine, the silence between us seemed more enjoyable than awkward.

I wanted to ask what they meant but I was unable to bring myself to stop staring at Y/Ns eyes, and the way they smiled at me felt oddly reassuring. I hate to admit it but I just wanted to..

Kiss them..

How ironic.

Just the other day I hated their guts and now I can't look away or deal with this urge to pull their face in and deal with the stinging feeling of our lips together.

Without thinking I put one hand onto the side of Y/Ns face. I watched their expression quickly change to confused and a bit anxious as I sat their with the warmth of their face on my hand.


Feeling Opposite raise his hand to my cheek made my body feel like it was fluttering inside, I felt my breath hitch as I struggled to swallow my air.

Before anything escalated I stood up abruptly with a forced grin on my face, holding my hand out for Opposites.

"Let's spend the remaining time wandering around rather than in one place okay?"


I was driving back to my house as a flustered Opposite angrily sat in the passenger seat. Multiple times throughout our walk through the flowers it would end in me and Opposite staring intensely at each other and hardly being able to look away.

Weirdly enough, I enjoyed the sensational feeling of it all; unfortunately I just got too giddy when he would make a move. I can guess that's what upset him.

He refused to make eye contact with me even after I started to pull into my driveway, exiting the car we both silently walked into the house.

Opposite gave me one last side glance, "Today was..pleasant." He walked off into the living room somewhere.

Today was eventful enough and I didn't wish to deal with anything else.

I walked upstairs to my room, opening the door and hearing a small slam in front of me. Looking on my bed I see evil with my laptop closed infront of him.

"Oh! You're back already? It's barely 7."

"I'm tired."

"I see." Evil scooted my laptop to the side as if it was never there and made his way over to me. He patted my shoulder and shoved me over to the bed.

"I guess you outta get to bed then! A dream awaits you my dear."

Evil scurried out of the room and turned the lights off.

Looking over at my laptop I decided that once I wake up I would check it out. What could interest Evil that much?


LOOK AT THIS DRAWING OF RED WALLY I MADE HES ONE OF MY FAV AUS !!! (Im not a very good artist dont judge 💀)

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LOOK AT THIS DRAWING OF RED WALLY I MADE HES ONE OF MY FAV AUS !!! (Im not a very good artist dont judge 💀)

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