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Morning arrived at once. I woke up first, still not used to the feeling of Wally in my arms I took a while to adjust.

Wally still laid there, quite like the one Original at my house he would mumble 'I'm sleeping'...(A/N, Im going to call him LateNight or LN, because I don't want people to confused the ACTUAL Original Wally and LN further on)

I guess sense the real Original was in my arms. I suppose I should give a different name to the one waiting for me.

I decided I will have to ask Original for him name when he wakes up. I scrambled off the couch, making sure Wally wouldn't wake up—he did deserve a good rest after all.

I waltzed into the kitchen, peeking into the cabinets and the fridge. He didn't have much food to choose from but I settled on something small like tea and apple slices...sense he only really had apple-like food.

I thought I could be a bit fancy with it so while his tea boiled I started a pot on the stove and boiled more water, lightly placing the apple slices inside of it. Once the tea was done I decided to also take out the apple slices by then. Seeing how more mushy they were but still able to be held, I grabbed cinnamon from a cabinet and sprinkled some onto the slices. Giving the cinnamon apple slices a better scent.

This smell lingered all across the house, I assumed that is what caused Wally to wake up.

He walked over to the kitchen and stood near me, peeking just barely over the stove to see the dirty dishes waiting to be tended to. Turning his gaze over to the apple slices and tea placed on a counter nearby as I rinsed the tea kettle.

"Wow neighbor. You managed to make something originally so delicious to even...delicious-er.."

I giggled at his comment as I moved onto the pot I boiled the apples in, cleaning out and bad remains the now clean and tasty apples may have left inside.

"You remind me of this friend I had..her name was Poppy. She was very good at baking."

The name Poppy rung a bell. I remember reading about that motherly bird on the website. What a sweetheart she seemed to be.

"I take that as a compliment! I read about her, I understand why you miss your friends."

He hummed in response, already taking bites out of the apples. Or—blinks.

After he finished eating he seemed content, though when he sat back down on the couch with worry. "So tonight we will have to start." He sighed.

I reassured him all would be okay, that we just have to prepare.

Home seemed to be alright with the idea of us leaving. Home understood that this wasn't our world. It wasn't our place to be here.

"So that Wally that trapped you here..what's his name?" , "oh! Just call him Latenight, that's his world."

I guess I can see where that comes from—this place is so gloomy to be fair. Everything outside is bright during the day but nothing seems enjoyable; and at night everything just looks like its straight out of Silent Hill.

The rest of our day was filled with us deciding what to do and Wally explaining to me how the other neighbors were and how I could try to avoid them from becoming hostile.

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