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Wally's eyes beamed up at mine. He was just as short as 'Originals' but the way his eyes looked at mine was more heartwarming than the others.

He was unbelievably grateful to see me. He stepped a bit closer—inspecting if I was even real.

"I saw you through the screen..I couldn't believe someone was still looking into that website! I didn't think I'd ever see a beautiful person again. Not like I used to.."

Wally started quietly rambling about how he used to be a beautiful star of a show until all these AUs came around, directing people's attention into making their own characters for nothing but different versions of him.

How he felt hopeless knowing there was always an "AU" that's going to outshine him.

I looked down at him, wrapping him into a tight hug. As I hugged him his body went limp, it startled me a bit at first but I didn't let go. It seemed like he needed this affection.

After the hug I crouched down to the floor. "So what's wrong with here? And how do we leave?" He went silent, fiddling a bit with his fingers.

"My friends..well these aren't my friends. But they're supposed to resemble them. They're just pure evil, I don't know how to help them." The tears that were in his eyes started to slowly run down his cheeks, his voice sounded so fragile it could break at any moment. His honey-like voice, smooth and sweet, now desperate and scared. It hurt to witness.

"My biggest guess is something to do with the basement in Home; but trying to get close to that door results in the neighbors trying to escape as well. Making it pointless because I can't fend them off by myself."

The puppet slumped to the ground, rubbing his eyes to rid of the tears that engulfed him. The tears that tightened his throat and broke his voice.

"Calm down Wally. I will make sure you get out of here. You deserve the chance."

He just nodded at my statement. Leaning forward into my chest he grabbed my clothes softly and laid into my touch.

"I-I haven't had a good nap in..forever. You're so warm and gentle." He sighed quietly in my touch, I patted his back, rubbing small soothing circles across his back. Feeling Wally slowly lose the tension in his body, letting a loose guard and relaxation finally take over him.

This poor puppet. Just how traumatized has this place made him.

I carefully lifted him up into my arms. Letting his head rest on my shoulder I placed him on a couch in the living room that sat right across the kitchen.

I looked over to one of the windows, Wally still in hand. The house looked back at me. It's glaring eyes resembling close to the one in my dream.

Perhaps this really is 'Originals' world.

If that's not Original then who is it?

The house didn't emit any malicious intent, in fact; Home seemed to be one of the most calming places in this area. The aura of him was nothing but sympathy towards me and the Wally who sat half-asleep in my arms. Finally he was smiling genuinely. The coziness I seemed to have was all he was settled on.

"Home, will I have to face the neighbors?" My voice trembled a bit and the house hadn't responded for a moment before a small creaking sound was heard from one of the cabinets.

Wally lifted his head slightly, "unfortunately neighbor, that means yes." I sighed, fearful of my life and his but I had no choice but to face them. Though perhaps I can start tomorrow, me and him seem to really need the rest.

I patted his head and I began to lay over with Wally laying limp in my grasp.

Lightly rubbing his cheek

I let him fall asleep. For probably the first time in months or even years he's getting decent rest.

"Goodnight Neighbor.

I love you."

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