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"I don't know what you're talking about.."

Original got directly into Reboots face, Reboot crouched down mockingly to let them be face to face. They started whispering words to the point I couldn't hear.

"You're lucky we still call you Original. Wait til' they really find Original."

"Don't push your luck Reboot.."

Original went silent after that and dismissed himself to my room.

"What was that about Reboot?" I asked. Every Wally just looked at me with worry, not a single word was exchanged for the longest time. I let out a small nervous laugh as I scattered my eyes across the room, scanning for anything to get out of this mess.

Opposite finally stood up and grabbed my hand, dragging me into the bathroom.

We heard the frantic steps of someone descending the stairs as he quickly locked the door. Loud knocks on the door as Original yelled 'Hello?!' Multiple times.

"Just listen to me! We won't have much time to explain. Just whatever you do, dive deeper into that website if you want to learn about Original. What's out there right now is—" the door busted open as Original stomped in, Opposite panicked before mouthing a small 'sorry' and kissing me for a few seconds.

He let go as I blinked a few times in shock. Opposite turned around angrily, "Do you mind?! You blueberry bastard, I would prefer some privacy we were just...having a moment." He yelled over to Original. Original seemed to relax a bit more but looked offended at him.

An act! He's acting to cover up our conversation! I thought as it clicked into my mind, "Oh..how embarrassing! I apologize you had to see that..." i muttered as I felt blush creep onto my face.

"I-I thought something else... was happening....regardless; OPPOSITE YOU DON'T TOUCH MY NEIGHBOR!" Original yelled at him, they started to go back and forth about whether or not it was that serious.

"I was just curious you pipsqueak!" He screamed. I decided to squeeze my way out of the bathroom as the Wally's quietly listened to them yell.

Reboot looked up at me and gestured I come over.

"Soooo...was it just a kiss or something else?" He looked down at me a little and asked, "Well be was telling me about Original but got cut-off...I think I can figure out the rest." He simply nodded and everyone decided to go back to normal so Original didn't get any ideas that we were all aware of something we shouldn't know.

" He simply nodded and everyone decided to go back to normal so Original didn't get any ideas that we were all aware of something we shouldn't know

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426 words

SORRY ITS A SHORT CHAPTER IM BUSY THIS WEEK!!! Also one more Wally will be added to this due to a suggestion...

Or could I say he's already been added?

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