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I slowly felt my consciousness return to me as I sat up. Looking around to see I was laid on my couch in my living room.

"You ain't hurt are you Doll?" A sly voice called from right beside me.

Jumping out of my skin I turned around to see a new Wally smirking over at me as he sat in a chair near the couch. His hair wasn't in a swirl but rather it was slicked back—his eyes staring deep into mine.

"Guess I should introduce myself? The name is Mafia." He held out his hand waiting for me to shake it...Mafia? You mean this guy is apart of the Mafia? This fella? Okay..

I shook his hands with a forced small smile on my face. His grip was tight on my hand as he shook. "There's a few others you outta meet alright Doll? You'll have to find them yourself though I don't feel like getting up!" He giggled to himself like a girl and turned to my TV that had my Playstation playing Caseoh on it. Mafia weirdly found it hilarious when he'd play horror games—I guess I can't blame him.?

I shook my head and smelt a warm scent of sweets. I happily walked into the kitchen, "What's that sweet scent?" I asked Original..the real Original. That was rummaging through my fridge.

"Hm? Oh hello Neighbor! Good morning! That would be the two Wally's who take time out of their day to wear strawberry scented body sprays..ha ha!" He didn't bother explaining as he turned back to the fridge.

Being scared...once again. I felt hands on my shoulder. Turning around I saw two Wally's with a smile on one face and the other observing me a bit.

"Heyyy! You said something about sweets? It's ironic! My name is Sweetheart!" He laughed at me and wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to meet the other Wally.

"This is Emo Sweetheart! Just call him Emo, it's not like he'll care." Sweetheart smiled brightly at me—gosh that smile can blind people.

Emo waved at me, his hair was down with bits of pink dyed into it, Sweethearts hair remained in a swirl but also had pink in it. The hearts in their pupils reminded me of Lovesick, they glowed and were impossible to go unnoticed.

I just waved back and decided to have a small conversation with Sweetheart, asking about what body sprays he could possibly use in his universe. He loved to ramble on, often complimenting me in the process. He was quite a sweetheart heart.



Every Wally downstairs directed their eyes towards the upstairs, a loud argument erupted from my crafts room, causing me to run up the stairs, Original deciding to tag along with me.

I slammed the door open to see Actor yelling at one new Wally and another 2 sitting in the corner—he looked scared and entertained.

Original looked at the scene and only did his classic monotone "ha ha ha!". I could only watch.

The Wallys in the corner both wore cowboy-ish hats..honestly it was cute. One with hair in its usual swirl and the other down. The swirly haired one seemed about my height and the one with his hair down slightly taller.

(The heights I assumed based off the creators art)

The Wally that bickered with Actor was much taller, around 6'4, with wings on his back and on the sides of his head. His wings fluttered a little every time he yelled back at Actor.

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