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"Yeah~, like us Darling."

A soft but deep voice sent shivers down my spine. Having not looked away from the TV I could only see Internet Explorer glare behind me. His optimistic demeanor shift completely.

This didn't sound like Butcher or anyone like that—no the voice was much weirder. A hand came into view from behind me and waved. "It's rude to ignore a guest." He mumbled, the palm of his hand stared back at me..an eye placed right in the middle of his palm.

The sight of his hand was honestly sickening and how drastically the atmosphere changed was unsettling.

"I...I apologize..my name is Y/N." I shivered and my voice.

"You seem troubled. I promise I don't plan to hurt you yet ! Just show some basic hospitality to your guests?" He laughed a little a bit. God I feel so weak.

"Don't be like this Evil." Priest walked over and push Evil away gently. "Don't make me start another salt circle."

"..oh dear no. Not that.." Evil dramatically scooted away from Priest. Shaking his head profusely.

Priest pat my head, reassuring me it's okay to face him. I turned my head to see a very tall Wally, his puppet fabric a more gray color. I guess as some sort of flex he opened his mouth to reveal another eye in his mouth. Seriously dude...Watcher isn't even this bad.

His outfit differs a lot from Original. And his personality..

"Okayy...well now that my house is unbelievably full of Wally's. What do I do now?" I looked over and asked Priest.

"Well! Perhaps-"

Priest was quickly cut off by another voice, "My love~, you can always spend time with me!" Lovesick jumped onto me, giving me a tight hug that momentarily restricted my breathing.

"Or me..y'know sense everyone else seems to be getting all of the attention?" Evil walked over to me, pushing Priest aside and helping me stand up.

"Yeah..maybe another time-"

"Oh I am not asking Dear. It's a demand." Evil growled at me, seemingly annoyed at the fact I dared to even try avoiding him.

Yandere and Butcher happilg waltzed over to me, Yandere with a big grin on his face.

"Me too! Me too! I did help rid of Latenight! We could spend some time cleaning your house from the rumble!" Yandere cheerfully grabbed my hand to lead me around to the kitchen. The other 3 Wally's following close behind.

"Let's start shall we? Me and Y/N will gather broken stuff! You three work on the jacked up wall okay?"

Before any of them could object I was dragged over to the kitchen table, a few broken glass plates on the floor.

Yandere grabbed a broom, "Allow me to sweep my beautiful. Just wait there with the dust pan." He crouched over and gently swept, making sure to not miss and glass so I wouldn't hurt myself walking.

Once again I felt that cold feeling of a hand on my shoulder, Evil walked over beside me with a grin.

"How kind of him to do majority of the work for you. But it must be embarrassing for you to be seen as incapable yes? Come assist me." The cold hand gently grasped mine and walked over to a random wall by my staircase.

"It seems that Yandere got a bit messy here. What do you suggest you do to clean it?"

"Me? This wasn't my assignment. Don't be lazy!" I scoffed at him obviously offended. Though his smile grew a bit but in a more creepy way. He tugged my shirt tightly and looked down at me.

"That's no way to treat someone like me. Do your fucking work , don't be difficult my deary."

I sighed a bit, feeling my sweat drop at his expression, he smiled but was full of pure rage.
I turned to the wall and thought about asking RF for help.

Excusing myself I went to find the man.

To my surprise he was arguing with Actor in the living room.

"They're my assistant! Who would want to help someone as snobby as you?"

"Scoff , Snobby?! Look at yourself! You are cold-hearted—it's embarrassing how you act so highly just because you run a factory. I pity you."

"The feelings mutual."

Oh great.

Actor turned over to me with a frown.

"Y/N ! Who do you prefer more? Me or this lousy RF?!"

"I-I don't-"

"Who?!" They yelled at me in unison.

God I don't have time for this.


SORRY EVERYTHING IS POSTED LATE , im very active for spring break, i wont be able to post daily for a while 🥲

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