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The two puppets look around confused, just as clueless as we all we're probably.

"Oh hello Reboot!" Original yelled

Reboot waved back with a smug smile, I looked over to the second uh...um...human..

"Why are you a human? Is that your AU?" I asked, tilting my head he just nodded without saying anything. Soooo, Reboot and Human? I guess I can live with that.

Actor walked over to them with a sinister grin on his face, "why don't I show you all your outfits; I am positive we have some spares clothes left!" And so he dragged them away from us.

I sighed as it seemed like I was going to have to deal with more. But that should be everyone I would hope, I can't handle any other Wally's.

I spotted Original still looking at me with his cat smile. "Original..do you mind telling me your where you uh- used to live?" He nodded, "Welcome Home was the name of my neighborhood, oh I wish I could've taken you to see my neighbors they're just the most!" I let him blabber on about his friends as I went to the computer so conveniently near me and started it up. I looked up Welcome Home and was met with a website about it rather than the location of their area..well I guess that makes sense.

After about 30 of rummaging through his area, most of the AUs seemed to be in awe that their neighborhood was right of them on a website with information about all of the Originals. Apparently they knew they were apart of a show but the idea of someone creating all of them and making up their entire personality was new to them. RF and Opposite seemed to understand and were just creeped out by this. I mean—imagine someone knowing your entire life, not a God or anything that you believe in but just a random person knowing everything about you.

Reboot, Human Wally and Actor all came down recently and seemed quite interested as well.

We found multiple secrets in the website, this made me a bit confused and I wanted to explore myself, especially because this can give me more information on Original. He seems to enjoy talking and eye contact but he keep's information about himself very vague.

I excused myself to my room by myself, scrolling through and clicking everything I could from finding hidden messages, to voice recordings to videos. Everything was slightly creepy but without all the information I needed I couldn't do much.

Until I saw a new tab open, it seemed to be a staff paper on the website. It took a secret code which I figured out from an earlier paper they showed asking questions about the characters.

This showed much more than what I think any of the others showed individually, reading about the puppet, about Original and how the staff seemed to be going insane because of him was unsettling..I was going to dive deeper until the door slammed open to reveal the small Original, with his eyes the only thing on his face visible. That black shadow over his face, it reverted back to normal quite quickly but I couldn't shake that feeling of how mad he seemed to be.

"Darling? You're taking too long and we've made everyone lunch. Please. Come join us!" He forced himself to sound chipper, that much was obvious. He had to be hiding something from me, or at least trying to prevent me from seeing it. Regardless , I closed my computer and set it on a nearby nightstand as he grabbed my hand and walked me downstairs.

"Hey hon, this is your place? It's quite cozy y'know." Reboot shouted at me as he stuffed his face with a sandwich on my COUCH.

"You've decorated it quite nicely sir/ma'am." Human Wally walked over to the side of me, holding out a hand to shake it. We shook hands for a second, I only then realized how embarrassingly sweaty my hands were. Ew.

I giggled at his formal response, he was very professional if you ask me. Original tightened his grip on my other hand he held on until I looked at him, "let us eat please!" He said as he dragged me over to the table where Watcher and Priest passed out the sandwiches.

Butcher held onto one that had different meat than the rest, he noticed my glances at it and held it up, "Want a bite little lamb~?" He purred.

A bit hesitant i told Wally to grab my sandwich for me and i'd be right back.

I took the sandwich from him and swiftly took a bite, taking in every tasteful detail of it. I looked at him and he smirked, happy I enjoyed it. That is until RF grabbed it and smacked it onto Butcher's plate.

"Don't eat his food Y/N. Trust me you don't want to." He grumbled and walked away without any explanation. I only looked up at Butcher who's creepy smile had not faltered-

I felt the strong gaze of another on me as I turned to see Original holding two plates. He walked up to me, "Let's go." He didn't sound as monotonous as usual but instead the irritation was more obvious and he didn't bother hiding it anymore, I followed him into the living room where Human Wally was up and about ranting about how much better it is not being a puppet. Nobody seemed to be very impressed.

Original held my sandwich up to my mouth and fed me til' it was gone, he scooted closer when he started blinking at his. I watched as it disappeared with every blink.

"Why hang out with the old-timey dude when you've got a new and improved version right here?" Reboot came up in-front of me with a quick smile.

"Old-timey? That's not very neighborly of you Reboot; for a knockoff wannabe version of me you're quite cocky."


"Yeah. I'm pretty much right aren't I?"

"Alright Original, if I'm so bad why don't we share the truth about you to Y/N."

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