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Hard pressure was put onto my bed as someone sat on it and shook me like crazy. "I'm up! Holy shit I'm awake okay?!" I held tightly onto my chest to catch my breath from the near-heart attack I experienced.

Outlaw—seeming proud of his job just smiled up at me, releasing his grip on me. "Come onnn, hurry Y/N! You're no fun."

"Leave them alone Outlaw..you're going to kill them." Swan emerged from the corner of my room and held out a hand for me, "Do you need any help..?" Swan looked hesitant to help me but glared at Outlaw with an angered expression.

Thanking him I grab his hand just to be dragged away and hugged tightly away from Swan. "Oh my goodness Outlaw, what are you being so childish for?! Well, you're always childish but stop you idiot.." Swan tried to reach for me again just for Outlaw to back up, still hugging onto me tightly.

"No! It was my job to take them downstairs to eat, you just followed like a lost puppy.", "Oh please! That's because you'd do something dumb like this." Ignoring Swan's comment, Outlaw adjusted me in his hold to a more bridal style carry and ran to take me downstairs.


Everyone turning their head to face us, except for...Opposite. Everyone seeming both unamused and worried for my safety. Outlaw brought me to a chair different than what I usually sit in, he sat next to me with my plate and his already set up.

"Soooo, who do you wish to pester and annoy after this?~" He smugly leaned an arm on my shoulder. Did this man think he was flirting?

"I'd like to talk to Original after this. Not to pester him but I do need to talk to him."

"Awh why mot mfe?" As Outlaw spoke with food gouging down his mouth , he speech was slurred and sloppy but it was funny, I couldn't help but laugh at it. "Oh it's nothing okay? You can follow..if you want." I'm not at all certain if bringing Outlaw into any of this would be the right idea but it seems like my only choice with him.

I finished my plate a little later than Outlaw, once I rinsed both plates off and put them in the dishwasher I walked up to Wally who was almost finished, blinking away at his food.

He turned his head up at me before I could at all say anything to him. "I could tell you're behind me, Barnaby back used to scare me like that a lot at...the neighborhood. Ha, Ha." He looked a little disappointed to mention his neighborhood but I shook my head and picked him up completely and carried him away from the table and yelled, "Someone put away Originals plate! I'll give the first person a kiss~!"


I could hear Lovesick and Yandere yell out loud in unison, the chaos would begin shortly so I decided I should leave the others be while is happens. Smiling menacingly I turned back to see the few Wally's facing me with an unforgiving expression knowing I purposely started this.

I brought Wally to the living room and sat him down, he didn't seem bothered by being picked up anyways given his minimal reactions.

I sat down next to Wally and spoke up, "Hey would there be a chance that you've..noticed Evil acting odd? He's been rummaging throughout my computer when I'm not around and I have yet to check was he was doing."

Wally's plastered on smile seemed to go slightly downward as he started to fiddle with his fingers. "Well. Y/N it's not entirely impossible to—bring that other[LateNight] Wally. And they do have a close connection."

His trailed his voice off purposely as if he knew someone would hear.

"What are we talking about? I'm interested.." Mafia leaned over the couch slightly and looked at both of us for an answer.

"Think you could tell me, Doll?"


Sorry guys im like extremely sick and i have out of state trips for school and stuff sense schools almost over soooo yea..

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