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"Guys come on I don't have time-"


"FUCK! BOTH OF YOU , I CAN'T CHOOSE OKAY!?" I clenched my fists as I groaned, "I just need help getting this shit done."

RF looked down at Actor, "Well, let me help you. You're like an assistant to me so I think it's only fair I help you as well!" He forced a slightly chipper voice as I led him to the wall where Evil stood.

"Oh? You brought him? Why is that my dear?"

"I'm here to help my...my 'assistant' with cleaning." RF emphasized the word 'my' making Evil glare back at him. A bit hesitant, Evil moved to the side to let RF guide me through fixing this.

Actor walked over next to Evil as they both had a stare down at RF who refused to acknowledge them.

"Sneaky bastard." Actor whispered.

RF instructed me more, slowly scooting closer to me to tease the others that watched.

About 30 minutes had passed and the wall looked much more presentable than before.

"Good job assistant." RF pat my shoulder, then offering to relax and perhaps talk with coffee, claiming that he hasn't had time to relax himself after having to take care of Grayscale constantly.

Just as I was about to accept his offer—Actor pulled me to the side and chimed in , "You really need to spend more time with me! I've been lonely y'know. Pay attention to me NOW!"

Actor ended his sentences with a yell, stomping one foot on the ground. His much smaller body barely making a mark on the floor.

"Okay okay! Please don't make a scene..honestly." I groaned a little quietly.

His angry demeanor quickly changed, a big smile spreading onto his face as he grabbed my hand and dragged me violently to the kitchen. He clapped his hands a little , "make us tea please assistant!" He smiled innocently at me.

Who the hell does he think he is ordering me around all of a sudden? I grabbed two tea bags without hesitation and started making the tea. I turned around to make sure Actor wasn't paying attention and good enough he was watching the TV in the living room from the kitchen.

I swiftly grabbed a small salt shaker and poured a bunch of salt into Actor's cup. The boiling water was ready so I poured in the water and watched the salt become basically invisible in the cup. I then set the tea bags into the cups and watched the water be engulfed by the flavoring.

I placed the tea cups on the kitchen table, the small clink sound catching his attention.

"Oh it looks and smells amazing assistant!" He happily took the cup I scooted towards him, placing the cup to his lips he tool a big gulp of it.

The salt being swallowed, making him cough and place the cup down as I nonchalantly sipped my tea.

"PFF—WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW BADLY DID YOU MESS UP!" He yelped as he ran around for some kind of drink. I stopped him and offered to let him drink out of my cup. He chugged it down not even minding the hot temperature.

I couldn't help but laugh hysterically in a fit, tears prickling the corner of my eyes happily as I wiped my face to stop my laughter.

Actor looked pissed at first but his face turned extremely red when he saw how happy I was when I 'tricked' him.

"It-It's not funny!" He mumbled under his breath. "Oh gosh—you look so cute when you're flustered Actor! Honestly though I do KIND OF apologize for that."

I wiped my tears one more time and patted his head. He angrily accepted the gesture but refused to make eye contact as he seemed too upset at me.

"You do make good tea assistant." He smiled but barely enough to notice.

We walked into the living room, Internet Explorer was entertaining Grayscale and Original by showing them AI, and how well it works. I guess sense in their time they didn't have such well working AI. They did after all seem thrilled.

Me and Actor watched and smiled as we interacted with the three. Though my body couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on me.

After some time I turned around to make eye-contact with Evil. A sinister grin on his face.

"Well, isn't it my turn to hang out with you my dear?"

He smiled.

"Well—I mean I still completely ditched Lovesick and the others while cleaning! What about-"

"Don't worry, I will always be more important."


Hello! I will be making another story, this is about KinitoPET! Lmk if I should also start some Hazbin Hotel oneshots, ive gotten into the show recently!

Yes I said I'd take a break but I got out of the hospital much earlier than expected so I rushed to make another chapter. I hope you all enjoy but I apologize for late posts from here on out.

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