
713 23 35

Today went like normal, and given how we have rich ass Actor over here I could definitely quit my job..I'll decide that tomorrow honestly.

Reboot was a bit flirty with me but I think that's just his personality, and it was nice having another human around, he was a sweet soul for the most part.

I was getting ready for bed a bit early. At least that's what I told the others, Priest was the only one I let in on my plan. I was going to scavenge around the website more in hopes of more clues as to what Opposite was trying to tell me.

I plopped on my bed and reached over grabbing my laptop, opening it as it resumed back to the website sense it was what I was on last. Its vibrant colors blinding me in my dark room, the door closed so it blocked out any light.

I was wandering around it until I stumbled upon something that led me to a black screen; eventually two pairs of eyes stared back at me, its eyes similar to Wally's but the pupils more dilated. A faint monotone voice spoke to me, "Can you...hear..me?" I went to open my mouth to respond but it quickly turned me down. "Then be quiet."

I just stared back. Waiting for what it wanted to say to me. The eyes looked around for a bit before locking back onto me. "Are you alone now?" He whispered, his voice was soft like honey—just like Originals. I nodded. "I need you...to get me out. I'm not supposed to be here."

I raised a brow, confused. "I am Wally. He is not." I knew who he was talking about. I couldn't just stay quiet , I had questions I couldn't save for later.

"Then why are you not here?"
"He trapped me. This is his universe. He originally trapped me in his and he's stayed in mine. You're my last hope. P̷̧͚̬̖͈̳̮͓̘͕͎͍̮͕̝̱̒̂̑̄̓̿̅͂͋͑̐̀͌̑͂̽̂̕͜͝͝L̵̢̨̘̦̟͍͕̻̥͖̥̮̬̮͍̠͈̈́̉͗Ę̸̗̳̙͈̱̰̱̼̺̬͍̠̜͍͍͈͖̠́͆̊̀̏̈̊̊̌͛̆̈́͗̃̃̾̇̓͂Â̷̧̛͈͎̼̗̩̪̞͔̩̦̭̪̪̫͎̭̭̘̌͐̌̓̌̒̂͐͂̊̈͆̔̽S̵̢̡̭̳̫̼̾̊̔͌̀̏͒̂̓͐̚̚͝͠E̶̝̮̺̖͉̅̏͘-"

Hearing the door open I slammed my computer shut. RF, Priest and Grayscale had come up to check on me.

"My dove are you alright? I heard you...talking..", "I'm fine—thank you. Just thinking out loud, I am sorry if I was too loud." Priest laughed and assured me it was okay. During our conversation, Grayscale sat on the bed with me, clinging onto my arm tightly.


RF looked at me with an unamused expression. "It's okay. Original can't hear us right now. Just tell us what happened."

I stared back..not saying a word for the longest time. It was so silent I heard my heart beat.

"O-okay..sit down with me." I felt myself shake, causing Grayscale to hold onto me tighter. When the other 2 had sat with me I took a deep breath. Explaining what I found and heard from Wally . I started to get overwhelmed.

Not being able to stand still, having to adjust out of the uncomfortable feeling of needing to spill my information to a bunch of puppets.

Priest patted my back and rubbed it, they didn't say much but I don't blame them.

"I apologize my child, but I think we should go to bed, perhaps a nap will fix your problems?" He gave me a gentle smile and I agreed.

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