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(TW: Yandere being the genuine creep a yandere is for next chapters)(This next few chapters is sort of inspired by Peter from the game Your Boyfriend, it's an unfinished game but I suggest checking it out on YouTube or their Patreon :)

My stomach growled as I yearned for a bigger meal. Sighing I sat on the couch next to Human Wally (I will call him H!Wally for this chapter for the sake of time) . He turned to me with his usual charismatic smile. "Seems like that Cobbler you and Opposite made was not quite filling enough was is?"

"No...I wish I'd have eaten more but I am not into just sweets." You felt the small stomach churning feeling of your hunger worsening.

"Well, do you know any good restaurants around here? I'd love to pay for your meal if you're willing to take us?"

Usually I'd turn down the offer sense leaving the house full of Wally's never ends up being a super good thing but I agreed, my stomach couldn't wait any longer and asking for someone to cook my dinner felt rude. I excused myself to go get ready.

Up in my room I noticed my closet door already wide opened along with a few drawers so I searched around for a decent outfit.

Feminine Outfit

I settled on a floral sundress to match his colorful aesthetic, a white headband and white shoes.

Masculine Outfit

I settled on a multi-colored polo with black dress pants, black shoes to match with them.

Seeming satisfied with my appearance I headed out of my room and downstairs back to the living room where H!Wally stood waiting. "It's rude to keep your date waiting too long, let's go now shall we?" He walked to the front door; opening it and waiting for me to exit first. I awkwardly smiled at him and stepped out.

Once we were both in the car I started driving down my neighborhood, having the perfect place in mind and I felt my mouth salivating at the thought of it.

"Hey Y/N. I don't mean to be a bother but did you have trouble sleeping last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard you rummaging a lot in your room last night, it woke me up but I never went to go check."

"Rummaging? Mm..No I don't remember doing that..."




My closet?!

We pulled into the parking lot, a pit in my stomach as I tried to think of what could've happened. But the scent of food lingering around changed my thinking quickly as my stomach rumbled.

"L-Let's go now!" I hurried out of the car and grabbed onto H!Wallys hand, leading him in.

A hostess stood in front of us, "How many?"

"2 please."

After a good 5 minutes of her checking for openings she had the waitress seat us. We sat near a window area in a close together booth.

I quickly grabbed the menu and asked H!Wally what seemed nice for him as I already knew my order.

"Oh! I'll just have the shrimp fettuccine pasta, nothing super fancy." He chuckled to himself.

I liked the atmosphere H!Wally gave around..charismatic and sweet but there isn't a bunch of people staring at us anymore because he isn't a puppet.

After some time the waitress arrived to get our drinks and food, Wally took a water while I took a Coconut Margarita, with a smug grin on my face, approving my alcohol consumption for the first time.

"Lighten up a little Wally, I think you'll love something stronger than just water."

"No, no. I suppose I could have a sip of yours but I already think i'll have to drive us home so no DUI's please, haha." He had a point.

Continuing with our order, H!Wally ordered his Shrimp Fettuccine and I ordered (Just insert your favorite dish 😊).

I grew more hungry by the passing minute and felt astonishingly happy when it only took 45 minutes for our food to arrive in this crowded restaurant.

"Thank you ma'am!" I chirped and started to eat fast but still with mannerisms.

H!Wally ate slowly, he seemed to be one of the Wally's who eat with their mouth but that makes sense for him.

Once we finished our meal we paid and left a decent 20% tip in hopes to raise the mood for our poor waitress dealing with costumers all damn day.

I felt tipsy and tired from the drink and had H!Wally situate myself into the passenger seat while he drove.

"You looked adorable I can't deny that, but you seemed like you'd throw up at the pace you ate your food dear." Both concerned and amused he smiled while only taking a quick glance before looking up at the road again.

"Mmm...yeahhh.." I agreed with him as my mind didn't want to process having to debate on it, already feeling my stomach disagreeing with the quick digestion.

We arrived at my house and H!Wally held my hand to make sure I entered the house safely as I wobbled around.

I darted up to my room, almost falling twice in the process and getting into bed with no hesitation. I turned my head to my closet being reminded of today.

"Didn't..I...keep it open like I found it?"

I whispered to myself as I stared at the closed closet doors but fall asleep, not wanting to dwell on such things any longer.


I am OBSESSED with the Your Boyfriend game, it's so cutesy and yet it has different routes, some crueler than others. I can't wait for the game to be finished.



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Idk if itll load 🙁😞 and yes hes feeling freaky

This Chapter was a suggestion by @ClownPoetry I just added a bit more.

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