⏤͟͟͞͞★Modeling PT.2

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I woke up to Actor shaking me violently.

"Y/N! Wake up! I need you to get ready NOW!" he yelled at me which scared the shit out or me. Causing me to jolt out of bed, releasing Original from my grasp making everyone wake up from the sounds an shuffling.

RF groaned but held onto Grayscale, Lovesick stood up from the floor and started stretching to fix his stuff puppet figure. Priest woke up quite calmly, he seemed at peace with this chaotic awakening. I envy him.

Actor gave me no time to settle and get dressed as he took me to my art room. I saw Watcher sitting on an easel waiting patiently as Beach Town stood in the middle of the room with a smug grin on his face as he held a hanger with a Hawaiian shirt and some shorts.

"You've arrived! Hey Sheila-ya' think this fit will suit me? I love it and hope you will too~!" he winked at me with a smile.

"I mean it uh, looks like it matches your personality? Try it out!" Beach Town seemed happy with my response and nodded ecstatically, looking over towards a closet that was full of paint buckets, he set aside enough buckets to fit himself in and closed the closet door.

About 2 minutes later he sprung out with his new outfit, well one of them. Actor urged Watcher to grab a camera and snap photos of all the poses Beach Town was giving.

"Yes! This is perfect! You are stunning! Amazing for a side character..." Actor made small comments with every move Beach Town made. Some good some—odd.

Beach Town tried out two more outfits for a bit, more Wally's filled the room as Actor explained the modeling that they were going to be doing.

Watcher seemed to be the next victim as he was handed his clothes. He couldn't fit in the closet due to his height so he stepped into the hall and shut the room's door.

He lately came back in with some kind of casual clothes but seemed to fit him well, he had quite limited clothing choices because it's hard to find stuff to suit him because stuff isn't really made for...puppets....his size. Actor and I offered to make him more clothing ourselves with effort if in return he cooked for the weak which he agreed without hesitation.

"Woah- you look bedazzling!" I felt star struck at how well Watcher looked in his clothes.

My eyes travelled around his body hurriedly, he looked so beautiful. Well perhaps it was because he himself was a beautiful man....puppet?...er I don't know.

Next up was Opposite, then Priest, then RF, then Original, Butcher, Lovesick, Yandere and so on.

After all of the puppets went, Actor handed me a bag. "For you Y/N." He smiled widely, prideful in his so far work. I myself was amazed at how good his fashion sense was.

I nodded as I took the bag into the closet. I rummaged through it picking out every clothing piece.


I picked up a white skirt with a small pattern along with a short shirt with a color to match the patter. (Any colors honesty)


I was met with a dark colored turtle neck with a pair of slightly ripped jeans that were a bit baggy.

I walked out for all of the Wally's to turn their attention to me quickly. I laughed a little nervously as I continued to take a step forward. The room was dead silent until Actor spoke up.

"Absolutely...fucking...DIVINE!" He ran towards me and dragged me to the center of the room. He moved my limbs into various poses for photos, complimenting every curve , crevice and inch of my body, about how he's proud of himself once more. That his working has paid off greatly.

"Ha. ha. ha! You look amazing neighbor." Original walked up behind me after the photos and smiled with his cat like smile.

"My LOVE~ I am so jealous of your beauty I wish I had it to myself.."

Lovesick and Yandere drooled over me in awe, Priest and Opposite gave me a small compliment, Opposite though blushed like crazy and said to not thank anything of it he just wanted to put his opinion out there.

"Wow..the colors are quite lovely, I'd kill to have colors work that well with me." Grayscale smiled solemnly. I felt bad but picked him up with a wide smile and embraced him in a hug. "This is the closest I can do for you.." unfortunately his clothes were gray the moment he put them on but everyone was still supportive, he hugged me back and thanked me.

RF was a lot better than I expected. He went into through detail about how it was perfect with the colors my body was. That was it but it was a big ego boost.

Everyone was enjoying new clothing until Priest walked in holding a box that seemed to have been previously opened.

"Y/N...it seems we will have some newbie's soon!" He replied optimistically.

I realized what was in that box and went to ask about it til in just a moment a loud sound emitted from the box and a quick wave of smoke came out from the box, we all covered our eyes until we locked on the 2 puppets infront of us.

I realized what was in that box and went to ask about it til in just a moment a loud sound emitted from the box and a quick wave of smoke came out from the box, we all covered our eyes until we locked on the 2 puppets infront of us

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