⏤͟͟͞͞★Modeling PT.1

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It is time for Beach Town and Actor Wally I guess..

Lovesick groaned dramatically but didn't chase after me; he just pouted.

"What a man-baby! It's quite embarrassing don't you think?"

"Right-- I mean I guess so!"

Actor had quite the attitude, Beach Town just seemed to just withstand it and agree with everything he said. Beach Town had an accent that caught my attention--it was attractive if you ask me...

"What should we-"

"Ah ah- give me time to think Y/N, it only makes sense I decide and I need to think in silence."

We all just stood them awkwardly for a few solid seconds until he widened his eyes as an idea sparked.

"Why don't we spend money on me! Isn't that just a great idea?!"

"Oh honey you mean with the money I worked for?! You're insane!" I snapped back at Actor's dumb idea which left him offended. He gasped and just only shook his head.

"I just need more clothes! In fact we all do! It's just I have better fashion statements." unfortunately he was right, only on the first part! Maybe I should get the measurements needed from everyone then I can have our 'super models'  choose out outfits for them.

"Okay fine fine whatever, let me collect everyones measurements for clothes and we will get started."

"No need! We have everyone's information! I always planned on making them background characters in my studio so I come prepared whenever they come crawling to me for my fame and creativity to be used on them." how egotistical of you Actor..

Beach Town looked just as confused at that fact as I was but didn't question it.

"Well this'll be a hell of a lot of money that I can't spend on all of you. I won't have enough!"

"... Money?"

"Money is no issue Darling.."

Actor approached me with a prideful smile across his face, I shuddered at him, "I have enough money to buy you a new wardrobe and I'll just be spending pocket change! Don't ever think you will miss out on a shopping opportunity no longer!"

(If y'all don't know Actor Wally's best way of showing affection to ppl or I guess employees is money. He's rich and a giver and a cutie; can't make him anymore amazing can ya?)

I signed as I stood up, brushing myself off as I decided I should get dressed then.

"We must get ready to go then, we will go to the store shortly."

".. Y/N you want us to go out in public?" Beach Town and Actor gulped a bit nervously. "If the two of you are that dead set on this little fashion show of yours then you'll have to get the clothe first. So yes, we are. I don't like shopping online."

I headed up to my room. Closing the door, I hadn't paid attention to my surroundings besides the closet as I wanted to hurry up and go.

Bad idea...

Perhaps as long as we stay lowkey nobody will notice the weirdly short guy and the surfer with yellow skin and pretty much everything about them being puppet like.

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