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Butcher quietly walked with Lovesick and Yandere side by side, arguing back and forth swearing curses at each other.

I turned to face them with a forced optimistic grin, "heyyyy you three~, you wanna help me with something?" I hummed at them in a singy-song voice.

Lovesick shook his head yes and ran up, squeezing me tightly into a hug, "My love I thought you'd never ask!" The black liquid spewing on my face as he spoke. Talk about say it don't spray it...

I told them to follow me to my room, I had to have Butcher drag the other two so they wouldn't get too close to me, they were quite clingy.

I sat on the end of my bed and grabbed my laptop, I looked up to them, "Tell me about this Wally that Original is hiding from me." For the first time in a while; Butcher's smile faded quickly, Lovesick and Yandere stopped trying to escape his grasp. They just stood their quietly with nervous looks on their faces, not even bothering to look back at me.

"I could tell ya'." Reboot walked out of my bedroom restroom with eye shadow painted across his eyes—did he just use my makeup? (Pretend u own makeup 🙄) he sighed as he sat next to me.

"Trust me hun, the trio of beautifully terrifying bastards over there are pretty knowledgeable, it's just that 'Original' wants us to keep our mouths shut."

I raised a brow and looked at him, "so why tell me this if everyone is so scared?" I asked.

"Simple really—he keeps talking about how I'm a reboot, he even says knockoff...and i'm not the kind of puppet to just let that slide. And he's not even the actual OG! He just convinces himself he is.." he scoffed after his big rant. He really doesn't like being a reboot huh?

"Lovesick knows the most I should say..he's dealt with 'Original' the most. Him and Opposite but Opposite does his own thing he doesn't care at this point."

He pointed over to Lovesick who has a flustered facial expression due to being called out so nonchalantly.

"Just find some way to bring Wally here. It'll become easier to rid of the one we have now! Just..be careful." He got up and left, leaving me and the trio in dead silence. Everyone looked at Lovesick who just seemed irritated at Reboot.

"Darling~, come help me will you?" I cooed at him, he looked at me surprised, before jumping over to me and quickly opening my laptop for me. The other two walked over and sat behind us on the bed.

The black screen was still there, the website of the neighborhood had the open tab missing now. Wally had appeared again, though this time he had a side of his cheek cut a bit with small amounts of blood covered cotton falling out slowly.

"Neighbor! There you are! Have you got and idea how to help?!"

I sighed and shivered a bit, "Well...is there anyway I can go into that universe? And be able to come out?"

He sat there for a moment with a blank stare, before his sleepy eyes widened , for once out of their half-lidded state.

"Tonight! I want you to go to your TV and plug in the computer to it. I might have an idea."

I smiled, I was honestly hopeful in saving Wally I don't understand the reason behind this but I feel a strong familiar connection with him. This only made me feel more confident to hell him.

"I have to go, they're going to find me, goodbye Neighb-" he cut off. The screen turning fully black once more. Nothing to be seen anymore on the screen.

Lovesick leaned closer to my ears, "The neighbors in his current neighborhood are a bit...aggressive..is why."

That made sense..I guess?

I closed my laptop and set it to the side and looked over at the three.

"Lovesick. You will have to help me connect the computer. Yandere, please watch to make sure Original stays asleep. Butcher, your job is fairly simple, if Original somehow manages to leave the room to try and get to me, just keep him at bay. You're willing to fight, right?"

Butcher nodded, his wide sharp-toothed grin returned to his face.

With the confidence the three seemed to have, I felt a wave of relief across of me. As I laid down on my bed and thought of what to do next.

We just have to act casual.



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