chapter 3

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It's was lunch time for kids in kindergarten and they were making noise,mrs.kang was having trouble dealing with them.


She was screaming her lungs out on those little innocent kids like a witch when tae entered in the class . He had went to restroom. When he saw mrs.kang shouting he went to her and tell her to keep quiet and turned towards kids.

Tae: kids why you all are making noise hmm, what did you all learn today? What did you learn Jun? tell me. *Little strictly* he asked.

Everyone one became quite when tae starts speaking
Jun: we should respect our elders and always listen to them . Jun answered lowering his head and eyes brimming with tears.

Tae:then why you all are not listening to Mrs.Kang hmmm? She is elder right?.....say sorry to her.


Mrs.kang: ok ok now shut up.

Tae sighed at her behaviour towards kids.

Tae: ok babies take out your lunch and water bottle we will have lunch out side okkk...... you all must be bored sitting inside the class for too long right?

Kids: YES!

Tae: ok form a line go to the ground with mrs.kang I'm coming.

Everyone forward a line and went outside with Mrs.kang except two Jun who was crying silently and jungwon who was waiting for his crying friends.

Tae: what happen why you both are still here?....Jun are you crying baby?

Won: miss fairy scolded him that's why he is crying.

Tae: awww I didn't scolded you specifically baby... come here.

Tae wiped jun's tear and hugged him while rubbing his back. When tae and Jun were hugging each other our little bunny was getting jealous but didn't said anything because...he wants to be 
the one and only favourite student of his miss fairy.

Tae: stop crying ok and let's go outside and eat lunch you are hungry right?

Jun nodded his head and they went to ground after washing their hands.
All kids were sitting on the ground making a big circle including Mrs. Kang , they also sat beside each other jungwon beside tae and Jun beside jungwon.

They were having their lunch and taking with each other, tae was talking with a little girl Mili who was sitting on his right side while Jung won in left and his jealousy was  reaching on it's peak.

Tae: oh you love sweets, I also love sweets.

Mili: miss fairy who is your favorite student?

Tae: umm my favo-

Tae didn't even complete his sentence when he heard someone's scream,he looked beside him and saw jungwon screaming. Tae worriedly cupped his little face and asked.

Tae: what happen baby why are you screaming hmm...tell me

Won: s..spi..spicy..AAAA *crying loudly*

Tae: spicy, bottle, where is your water bottle?

Won: di.. didn't bought*crying more loudly*

Tae: mili give my bottle.

Tae said to mili and put jungwon on his lap while wipping his tears.
Mili gave tae his bottle and he made Jungwon drink the water directly from it while caressing his head. After drinking the water he was still crying so tae fed him the fruit that he brought for the lunch.

After eating fruits Jungwon was now hugging tae like his life depends on him and if he loose his hold a little bit tae will vanish. Won was still sobbing and his face was red from crying, so tae got up, picked him up and starts roaming around , patting his back while jungwon was snuggling into is neck.

Tae: stop crying baby...calm down.. how did you even eat that chilli hmm?

Won: didn't saw it*hiccup* (👀 are you sure?)


While tae and mili were talking with each other and smiling widely Mr.bunny was getting jealous..(well what can we do after all he is JEON jealousy and possessiveness run in their blood) and he also wanted tae attention. He was thinking that if he started talking to his miss fairy he will get the attention but again, tae will give attention to other he was making plans to get tae whole attention on him and only him..and that's when he saw some chillies in his noodles.
Rest of the drama everyone knows.
And for jungwon it was worth crying.

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