chapter 14

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Some of you commented on the privious chapter and that made me happy, so I'm updating this chapter.

Try to leave comments on this chapter too.



Mrs.jeon came downstairs with jungwon and haru who directly ran into kitchen after seeing their mama.



Haru copied his brother, both running towards their mama who was looking at them with a wide smile , taehyung kneel down and hugged his both babies tightly smooching their whole face, causing them to giggle.

Tae: good morning babies. Slept well?

Won& haru: yes.

Tae: ok , now go and sit with dada and mingyu uncle ,food is ready .

Won: ok mama , let's go haru.

Jungwon held haru hand and went to the dining table, jungkook made them sit on their chairs ,kissing their cheeks and again starts planning how to get wifey attention.

Tae: do we have pistachio and some cashew, princess?

Tae asked as he flame off the stove , and turned to look at yura who shook her head negatively.

Yu: let me ask mom....MOM!

Yura shouted from the kitchen as mrs.jeon was sitting in the living room with mr.jeon watching news on the T.V .

Mrs.jeon: WHAT?

Yu: do we have pistachio and cashew?

Yura asked coming out of the kitchen.

mrs.jeon: yes, it's on the top shelf in glass jar .

Yu: ok .

Yura said and again went to the kitchen. She took the jar from the top shelf and gave it to taehyung.

Yu: mama , here... but what are you cooking?

Yura asked  curiosity clearly visible in her eyes.

Tae: it's gajar ka halwa a Indian dish.

Tae said and sprinkle the pistachio and cashew on it, yura hummed getting the information.

Yu: btw it smells so good.

Their conversation came to a halt when the door bell rings indicating someone's arrival. Mrs. Jeon got up from the couch and went to open the door, opening the door she met with Mrs.shin , her daughter Binna and her  daughter-in-law Ha-yun.

Mrs.jeon welcome them and they all went to living room.

Taehyung and yura were looking at the scene with different expression on their faces ,yura with annoyance while taehyung with confusion.

Tae: who are they?

Taehyung asked yura as he looked at the guest and then yura.

Yu: they are our neighbour shin family , that old woman is Mrs.shin ,on her right side her daughter-in-law and on the left side the girl with red hair is her daughter Shin binna, mom invited them because today is your first kitchen.

Yura answered her tone dripping with annoyance. Taehyung looked at her being confused.

Tae: but isn't it only family ritual, why these outsiders are here ? Are they very close to our family? And what's wrong with that girl?

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