chapter 11

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Only two days are left for taekook 's wedding  and it's safe to say that taehyung is going crazy right now.... reason.................................................................................. Kim Mingyu, his baby brother, his little potato whatever you want to call him.... he was sitting on the floor spreading his legs and whining  like a bratty kid for his noona attention with a ridiculously cute pout on his face while playing with his fingers looking like lost puppy.

 he was sitting on the floor spreading his legs and whining  like a bratty kid for his noona attention with a ridiculously cute pout on his face while playing with his fingers looking like lost puppy

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Tae was busy folding mingyu clothes he told that giant kid to pack his clothes as they are moving to jeon's.. but mingyu was making fuss...he refused to do any work and was not getting up from the floor because tae scolded him for distrubing him and whining for attention when he was working.

Tae: bub please, let noona finish his work then he will give you all of his attention ok?

Tae asked to the sulky mingyu who was now very close to cry. Tae turned around to looked at him,he gasp seeing tears in his baby brother eyes. He rushed to mingyu and cupped his cheeks with his both hands and kisses his forehead worriedly.

Tae: what happen bubba?...why are you crying hmmm?.. tell noona.

Gyu: you don't love gyu anymore? *sniff*

Gyu asked tae and hugged him tightly and placed his head on tae's chest pouting and sniffing while tae starts rubbing his head.

Tae: who told you that bubba.. that noona don't love you anymore hmmm?

Gyu: no one.... nowadays you don't give me attention (which is not true) and you didn't cook my favourite food for two days now. Did you saw my bicep the and my abs they are disappearing.

Gyu said and looked at Tae innocently who was now looking at him with done face all his worries fly out of the window.
After few minutes of silence

Tae: are you hungry?

Tae asked and mingyu nodded his head still looking at Tae. Tae sighed at his response.

Tae: all the melodrama you did was just because you're hungry?

Gyu: yeah!.. and don't call it melodrama.

Gyu said a little offended tae nodded and went to kitchen to cook dinner with mingyu trailing behind him.

Taehyung starts preparing dinner while mingyu was cutting some vegetables. After dinner mingyu helped tae with cleaning the kitchen and then both went to their room to do the night routine and slept as soon as their head hits the soft pillow.


Jungkook was cleaning his room at 4 am while everyone was sleeping he was so excited as well as nervous because of his wedding.

And on top of that his negative thoughts were not helping him either he was scared that what if taehyung realise that he don't want to marry him? What if he lost interest in him after the their marriage? lots of negative thoughts like this were roaming inside his head so to distract him for that thoughts he started cleaning his room.

After cleaning the room he decided to sleep, well after two days is his wedding and he don't want to look like a sleep deprived person. Think of taehyung he fell asleep.


After two days

Well today is the most awaited day of taehyung and jungkook life because it the day they will be married to eachother. And start the journey as husband and wife.

(I don't know anything about marriage so bear with me please 🥺🙏I so sorry if I write anything wrong .😭)

Everyone one reached the venue and was mesmerized by the decoration, it was an outdoor wedding.

Guest's were sitting on the chair to witness the beautiful bond that going from. Not much guest were there only some family members,Namjin , yoonmin, Hoseok and Hwasa were there.
Jungkook was standing  at the altar clad in black suit and was looking at the entrance he was nervous and excited at the same time. Beside him yura was standing with wedding rings.

Haru and jungwon were with Mr & Mrs jeon they were also excited to see their beautiful mamma.

The slow music starts playing and everyone turned to look at entrance from were the bride was coming looking breathtaking  in his  beautiful white wedding dress .

Jungkook was lost in taehyung beauty who was walking down the asile with his brother shyly . mingyu gave taehyung hand to jungkook and told him to take care of his noona, to which jungkook replied as"i will"

Both groom and bride were looking at each other shyly when priest started to speak.

Priest: do you jeon jungkook take kim taehyung as your lawfully wedded wife.

Koo: yes, I do.

Priest: do you Kim taehyung take jeon jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband.

Tae: yes, I do.

Yura gave them the wedding rings and they made eachother wear the rings in their ring finger.

Priest: with I pronounce you both as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride and seal the bond.

Jungkook looked at Tae who was looking down with blushing cheeks and then koo lifted his face and kiss his forehead while tae closed his eyes feeling the tender kiss.

After that they cut the cake and then had dinner and danced .

Taekook didn't get any chance to talk to each other because first they were talking with guests and second they were shy, they don't know what to talk.

After everything finished they went to their home .
Finally finished with wedding.

I will upload a chapter with pictures. I don't know why I can't add any pic in this chapter.

I'm sorry if I write anything wrong in weeding scene.

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