chapter 6

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In the park

Jungwon and haru were playing together and mr.jeon was relaxing on the bench under the shadow of a tree.

Jungwon and haru were playing when a little girl named shin Bomi came to them who was also their neighbour.
She was ten years old.

Bomi: ya! Jeon jungwon...did you again come with your grandma or... it's your grandpa?

She asked him with mocking tone in her voice. Jungwon looked at her then ignored her like she wasn't even there.

Whenever Bomi get chance she teased him about his family more like about... not having a mother. It's all started when Bomi grandmother, Mrs shin went to Mrs jeon with a marriage proposal. It has only been one month of jeon family being the neighbour of shin family.
Bomi grandmother suggested Mrs.jeon that they should marry her daughter Shin Binna to jungkook.
At that time jeon family was going through hardest time of their life, moreover jungkook was mentally not prepared for any thing. when jungkook heard about the proposal,he next day went to Mrs.shin house and politely rejected her proposal to marry her daughter.

Mrs.shin is still bitter about the rejection . Mrs. Shin never leave a chance to taunt Mrs jeon, she intentionally behave like a sweet mother in- law with her daughter in-law,Ha-yun whenever she saw Mrs jeon to make her jealous.
Ha-yun was no better than her mother in-law.

Bomi also learn taunting people from her grandmother and her mother.

Bomi: oh! So now you're ignoring me hmm?... ignore, ignore what can you even do ?....a motherless child like you can't do anything haha.

She was making fun of them and her friends who came with her was laughing at them like someone had cracked a joke.

Jungwon got angry at her and shouted at her.


When Mr.jeon heard jungwon shouting he came running to the kids and saw jungwon on verge of crying and Haru already crying.

Mr.jeon: what happen here kids? You all should play with each other but here everyone is fighting.

Bomi: we will not play with them.
She declared and crossed her arm on her chest.

Mr.jeon; why?

Bomi: because he doesn't have mother and we don't play with a motherless child...we will play with him when he will have a mother which is never gonna happen.

After Saying that Bomi and her friends went from there living a shocked mr.jeon and crying brothers.
Mr&Mrs.jeon bedroom

Mrs: jeon: honey I'm scared...what if--

Mrs jeon was interrupted by mr.jeon.

Mr.jeon: nothing will happen and yura need face your fear.

Yu: but dad--

Mr.jeon: no but's...we can't destroy jungkook life because of our fear....I'm also scared, but I'm trying to overcome it right? Then why can't you both?

Mrs.jeon: because I don't want the history to repeat.

Mrs.jeon said crying seeing her mr.jeon hugged her while rubbing her back while yura was also crying silently.

Mrs.jeon: i-i..i don't want l-lo- lose my s-son honey.

She was crying nonstop, Mr.jeon eyes were also brimming with tears.

Mr.jeon: somi please try to understand we can't be selfish... after that incident we lost our baby kookie, who used to prank everyone, crack silly jokes, eats lot of food . he just eat little bit of food and then goes to his room and start working.
I want my baby back somi you both have to let go your past.. specially you somi our son loves you so much that he is ready to spend his whole life without a partner moreover it's not only about kookie it's about our grandson too...i told you right how that little girl bomi is bullying my babies..she called them m-motherless honey .

Yu: yes mom, dad is right we can't be selfish..who knows this time we all can be happy.

Yura said and wipped her tears while smiling a little. Listening to Mr.jeon , somi realised that how selfish she was being but can you blame her afterall she is a mother and every mother becomes selfish when it comes to their kids.

Mrs.jeon: ok then.... I'm ready, tell me do you have any one in your opinion who will be perfect for my koo and my grandsons?

She asked mr.jeon who nodded his head.


Mr.jeon: you will know, but we can't decide it ourselves we have to inform kookie about this...his decision matter the most.

Yu: yes, let's go to oppa room.

They all went to jungkook room.


Jungkook was checking his files when he heard someone's knocking on the door.

Koo: come in.

Everyone entered the room,seeing his mother father and sister in his room jungkook got confused. Mr.jeon cleared his throat nervously and start speaking.

Mr.jeon: koo we need to talk to you about your marriage.

And after that Mr.Jeon explained whole park incident and asked him,his thoughts about marriage .

Koo: but dad what about mom and yura?

Mrs.jeon: I'm ok with it my baby and so is yura.

Koo: if mom and you all are happy with the marriage then I have no problem but they should know that I'm a single father and after marriage they have to live with my parents and have to take care of my kids.

Mr.jeon: ok son you rest ,whoever you will marry I will let the person know about your condition. And don't forget that day after tomorrow is my jungwon birthday.

Koo: yes I remember dad .

Mr.jeon: ok then, good night.

Koo: good night.


Hmmm so ,who is excited for taekook first meeting.🤭😏

Can you all guess who is jungwon and haru mother?

And again reviews will be appreciated.👍

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