chapter 4

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After ending the call with tae, mingyu came back and they all finished their lunch and get back to their work.

In the evening

Tae was back from the school he took a bath, changed into his comfortable clothes and then took rest for sometime. After taking his needed rest he got up from the bed he washed   his face, tie his hair in messy bun and went  to the kitchen. he was taking out the ingredients for cooking dinner when the door opens and mingyu came shouting for him. (They both have the door key.)

Gyu: NOONAAAA... where are you I'm home.*baby mood on*

Tae: In the kitchen baby..go freshen up and take some rest until then dinner will be also ready .

Gyu: ok.

Tae: take a bath properly, don't just wet your hair and wash your face , you understand what I'm saying?

Gyu: yessss, noonaaaa.

Tae: good, now go.

Mingyu went to his room, he wash up changed his clothes and came to the kitchen. He went behind tae and  hugged him,putting his chin on tae shoulder while pouting heavily.

Gyu: what are you making noona?

Tae: hmm?..oh!..kimchi fried rice and pan fried dumplings with soya sauce.
Tae said while breaking the egg into the pan .

Gyu: it's looking tasty..wowww noona make four fried egg .

Tae: okkk~~~

Gyu: noona~~ you didn't bought anything thing for me today.*big ass pout*

Tae: I bought ice cream for you little baby and it's in the fridge.

Gyu: really ?..awww, thankyou noona .

Mingyu thanked tae smiling widely.
Tae always bring something for his little brother when he go outside either for work purposes or to the nearest convenience store , and if he forgot to bring something then you will see a sulking big puppy, showing his big eyes to tae, and pouting heavily while holding tae dress and roaming behind him till he gets what he wants. And Then whole day tae has to give his baby brat a princess treatment so his brother can forgive him. So now you all know why tae is so good with babies.

Tae: put that icecream back gyu, first have dinner and then have the ice cream later.

Gyu: ok

Tae finished making dinner and mingyu helped him in placing food on dinning table.

Tae finished making dinner and mingyu helped him in placing food on dinning table

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Kimchi fried rice

pan fried dumplings

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pan fried dumplings

Both sat on their chairs and tae serve the food only in one plate. Well what's the point of serving in two plates when eventually tae has to feed mingyu him self.
Tae picked a dumpling with his  chopstick , dipped into the sauce and fed it to mingyu.

Tae: tasty? *Asked softly*

Gyu: hmmm

Mingyu said nodding his head cutely his mouth full of food and lips forming a pout.

Mingyu said nodding his head cutely his mouth full of food and lips forming a pout

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Tae laughed seeing him happy just by eating good food. Tae like when people enjoy their food without caring what other's will think about them. After eating mingyu put their plates in sink and start washing it while tae was cleaning the dinning table and kitchen counter .


Jeon family was having their dinner peacefully but everyone was curious to know the reason of a certain bunny happiness.
Yura: what happen wonie you look super happy today hmm?

Yura asked him but jungwon didn't said anything other than showing his bunny teeth to everyone.

Koo: what happen baby? the morning you were sulking and didn't wanted to go to kindergarten and now you are happy happy hmm. What's the matter?

Jungkook asked to Jungwon while feeding some porridge to Haru who was sitting on his lap.

Won: dada you remember in morning you told me give flower to Mrs.Kang again?

Koo: yes.. did you gave her?

Won:no hehe I gave it to miss fairy....
he took the flower from me and tuck it in his hair.
He said shyly while his cheeks turning  pink.

Koo: miss fairy?

Won: yes he is our new teacher and..and he is so so beautiful . He called me cute*cupping his cheeks and again being shy*

Koo: did you like him that much? that's why you are happy?

Won: yess * bunny smile*

He didn't said anything about the drama he caused because if he did he will be the one to get scolded.

Haru:miss failly.(fairy)

Haru out of everything caught only one word that was miss fairy. After finishing their dinner koo with his both sons went to his room and made them sleep on his bed and then went to do his office work.


How is it?

Pictures are not mine.

(Picture credit goes to the rightful owners.)

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