chapter 16

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Haru&won: MAMA~~

The sudden loud voice shocked jungkook , his eyes widened and he quickly looked at the person, who decided to distrub his baby moment with his wifey.
And he saw his own kids being villian, not allowing him to have some moments with his wifey. Well he didn't leave his wifey, even after seeing haru and jungwon glaring at him, he was still hugging taehyung waist ,placing his chin on his chest. Why would he leave him? He is hugging his own wifey.

Won: dada! Leave mama , it's my turn now.

Jungwon said crossing his arms and glared at his father.

Koo: no, I will not, whole day you both played with mama , now it's my turn, right wifey?

Jungkook without wasting a second rejected jungwon and then looked at taehyung ,with his shining doe eyes , hoping his wifey would agree with him.

Tae: koo, they are kids, why are you fighting with them ?

Taehyung asked creasing jungkook cheeks, who pouted, resting his cheeks on taehyung 's chest.

Jungwon and haru climbed on the bed and jungwon start pulling his father away from his mama. But our warrior was also determined to not leave his wifey.

Haru being the smart kid, directly went to his mama, cupped his (tae) both cheeks, with his small, small hand and tilted he head cutely and asked,

Haru: ith, halu tuln , right mama?
(It's,haru turn , right mama)

Taehyung cooed loudly looking at haru's cute face, he removed jungkook from himself and picked the baby ,and made him sit on his lap and start kissing his whole face ,making haru giggle loudly.

Taehyung cooed loudly looking at haru's cute face, he removed jungkook from himself and picked the baby ,and made him sit on his lap and start kissing his whole face ,making haru giggle loudly

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Tae: ofcourse ,it's my haru's turn.

Taehyung said in a baby voice,and haru kissed his mama cheeks in happiness.
But he failed to notice, two pouting bunnies, who now finally stopped fighting and was glaring at a giggling haru in his mama arms getting all his love alone.

Taehyung finally looked at them and saw them glaring at haru .

Tae: why you both are glaring at my baby?

Taehyung asked being confused and hugged haru close to his heart.

Koo:nooo, I'm ,the only. baby. you have wifey, he is our son.

Jungkook totally ignored taehyung question and declared himself as the only baby of taehyung.

Won: no dada, you are big man, I'm the only baby mama have. Even I met mama first, so, I'm mama only baby.

Jungwon explained, why he is the only baby of his mama, with his chest out, being proud of his explanation.

Gyu: no you are not.

Well, if we're talking about being taehyung only baby then how can his baby brother not join this conversation. Well it doesn't seems like a conversation.

And if you all are wondering what taehyung is doing, then he is just listening to their no logic , no sense explanation and leaning against the headboard,  patting haru's cute bum and time to time kissing his cheeks, who was on verge of falling asleep, but don't think he is less than anyone, no way.... that Lil cuddly baby is on the verge of falling asleep but still mumbling " mama auv halu, mama auv halu" (mama love haru) repeatedly.

Taehyung chuckled at his cutie baby and kissed his cheeks, and then focuses on the very serious conversation going on.

Won: why, not?

Jungwon asked being offended, mingyu smirked and he also climbed on the bed .

Gyu: because I was the one who met noona FiRsT , even before you and your dada. So I'm the only baby of noona.

Mingyu said giving more pressure on the "first" and hurriedly went to taehyung and hugged him tightly and snuggling into his waist. Taehyung gently smile at him, and start patting his head .

Koo: noo, you are not his baby, you are his brother, I'm, you listening, you giant person, only I'm his baby no one else.* Pointing at himself*

Our warrior couldn't hold himself from bursting like crackers, after listening to jungwon and then mingyu nonsense.


I'm giving you guys frequent updates but you all are not commenting, it's makes me so sad .

Anyway, here's the another update.

Pictures credit goes to rightful owners.

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