Author's note

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So , lots of people are adding "My moon" to their reading list and I'm very happy with it that you guys are interested enough to read my book.

But I'm very disappointed by you all because everyone is reading but no one cares to vote or comment.

At first it was little ok because I have just started the book and didn't had many readers and some of you were kind enough to comment on it but now even my old readers don't appreciate my work.

And because of this I'm loosing my interest in writing this book that's why it took me so long to update chapter 12 .

I even once decided to delete this book forever but there was so much things in my mind to write,  so I decided to keep the book.

And now same thing is happening again. I'm telling you all this because I couldn't keep it to my self.

I will update next chapter tomorrow now it's in your hands either to comment and vote and keep the book or delete it.

I'm out of motivation.

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