chapter 13

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Taehyung came downstairs and saw his mother -in -law and sister -in -law were sitting on the dining table, they were talking and grating the carrots.
They were insisting to help him in the kitchen as today is his first kitchen.
So he told them to grate the carrots and they happily agreed . After telling them what to do he went to his room to get ready for the day.

Yura saw Taehyung and gasped looking at him.


Tae: what?*scared due to her sudden shouting*

Yu: you are so beautiful.

She praised him with a dreamy expression on her face, tae giggled looking at her face.

Tae: you scared me.

Yu: sorry hyung* embarassed*

Tae: it's ok no need to say sorry.

Mrs.jeon: but she is not wrong though, my son-in-law is looking so beautiful.

She agreed with yura making tae shyly giggle.

Tae: thank you mom , I will just go and wake up gyu.

Mrs.jeon: ok go.

Gyu: no need noona your handsome brother is here.

Mingyu announced his presence coming out of his room fully ready and smiling widely.

Tae: you wake up by yourself today?

Tae asked not believing his eyes. How can his lil brat of a brother wake up all by himself, without any five minutes excuses, without lots of kisses from his noona ,without any whining annnd the list goes on.....

Gyu: yes , I thought to not give you any trouble today as you were looking so tired yesterday.

Tae: aww you are becoming good boy.

Gyu: but you can start your routine of waking me up from tomorrow noona.

Mingyu said making tae speechless while yura and Mrs.jeon were controlling this laugh.

Tae: what?.... Ok , now I take my words back.

Saying that tae went to kitchen to cook the first meal for his family. While Mrs.jeon went to wake up jungwon and haru .

After sometime jungkook came and saw Taehyung in kitchen cooking something he wanted to go to his wifey and hug him but the what he did in morning came to his mind and went to dining table where yura and mingyu were grating carrots.

Yu: koo hyung come here, and do this I'm going to help tae hyung in kitchen.

Koo: ok.

Jungkook said and sat on the another chair from where he can look at his wife and admire his beauty.


In the kitchen

Tae was busy in cooking when yura came.

Yu: hyung do you want any help?

Tae: no princess, I can do this.

Tae said and yura eyes widened in disbelief.

Yu: pri- princess?

She asked shuttering, her cheeks painted in red colour.

Tae: huh? You don't like it? I can cha-

Yu: no no no I like it... it's just first time someone called me princess. * Shy*

Tae: awwee , you are so cute.

Tae said cooing at her.

Yu: thank you hyung , can I also call you something else except hyung?

She asked fidgeting with her fingers.

Tae: of course you can.

Yu: then can I call you mama like haru and jungwon?

Tae: you want to call me mama?

Tae asked as he looked at her with warmth filled his eyes.

Yu: yes.. I want to ask you but was so shy to even say everything to you.

Tae: oh! baby you can call me mama, hyung or anything I don't mind.

Tae said smiling and patted her head.

As they were talking and doing their work a puppy and a bunny were listening to their conversation, sitting on the dining table and were aggressively grating the carrots in jealousy.

Koo: did you saw that? what's happening in this household, my wifey you heard my wifey called her cute even patted her head. Wow I can't believe this.

A jealous husband asked a equally jealous brother.

Gyu: she is taking my place, I have to do something before it gets out of my hand.

They were discussing it so seriously like it was the biggest problem of their life. Well it was serious very serious.

As they were planning how to control the situation yura came there and took the grated carrot to kitchen leaving the jealous human on the dining table who were side eyeing her.


I have nothing to say today but if you guys like top Taehyung check my other stories.☺️


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