chapter 5

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It was midnight and tae was sleeping on his bed when mingyu came to his room and woke him up.

Gyu: noona~~noona wake up.

Tae: mmm.....

Gyu: noooona wake up.

Tae: what Gyu?...

Tae woke up and asked him what he is doing here?

Gyu: I'm sleeping here ...move little bit.

Mingyu said while looking away from tae.
Tae smiled looking at him, he knows why his little brother is here.

Tae: ok... come here.

Tae patted the bed and moved  little bit making some space for mingyu.
Mingyu laid down on the bed and then turned towards taehyung and hugged him tightly while snuggling in his neck.

Tae: did you watched horror movie again baby...hmmm?

Tae asked in sleepy voice while caressing mingyu hair who was sleeping comfortably on tae's bed without any care and hugging him tightly.

Gyu: yes *pout*

Tae: I told you thousand times that don't watch these types of movies in night, but you never listen to me.

Tae said patting mingyu back who was pouting heavily because his noona was scolding him.

Gyu: why you're scolding me ... you don't love me anymore* pouting and showing his puppy eyes brimming with tears ready to fall.*

Tae: awwww , my baby .. I'm not scolding you... don't cry .

Tae said wiping mingyu's tears and kissed his forehead while hugging him tightly.

Tae: sleep ,you have to go office tomorrow.

Gyu: ok.

Next day

Tae came to school and went to his class room, he greeted Mrs Kang who was sitting on her chair .

Taehyung was putting his handbag on table when he felt someone tugging his sari .
He turned around and saw jungwon looking at him with his Bambi eyes , smiling widely and a little flower in his hand.

Won: good morning miss fairy ... this is for you.

Jungwon said and gave him the flower he brought for his miss fairy. Tae smiled at him and took the flower and tuck it into his bun.

Tae: thankyou baby .

Won: miss fairy what are you wearing.

Tae: it's called sari baby . Is it beautiful?

Won: yes, but you are more beautiful

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Won: yes, but you are more beautiful.
Jungwon told him shyly then covered his mouth with his both hands and run to his place .

Tae: haha... cute.
Six weeks later
On the fine Sunday morning jungkook was sleeping with his sons Haru on his chest and jungwon beside him.
Due to his annoying alarm he woke up and off it, he then kiss haru and jungwon cheeks and went to bathroom to do his morning routine.

As it was Sunday, It was holiday for everyone . After getting ready jungkook he checked on his kids who were still sleeping peacefully so he decided to let them sleep some more and went downstairs where he saw his mother and his sister Yura preparing breakfast in open kitchen and in living room his father was reading news paper like any tipical asian father.

Koo: good morning dad.. good morning mom,yura .

Yu,mr&Mrs jeon: good morning koo, oppa.

Koo: do you need any help mom?

Mrs.jeon: oh! No no stay out of my precious, beautiful, gorgeous kitchen, I don't want you to destroy it.

Mrs.jeon said panicking while while yura and mr.jeon was laughing at the sulking bunny.

Koo: mooom ~that was when I was eighteen years old , that was only one time thing .

Mrs.jeon: and i don't want it to become second time.

And again mr.jeon and yura were laughing hard while jungkook looked at them annoyingly. Mrs.jeon was also getting irritated looking at her husband laughing his ass off.
Don't get her wrong she loves her husband so much but sometimes times he became so fu*king irritating.

Mrs.jeon: honey,may I know why you are laughing at my son hmm? Or you are laughing at your self?..tell me.

Mrs.jein asked while glaring at him,mr.jeon cleared his throat nervously and start whistling 😗👀 while looking here and there avoiding mrs.jeon glaring eyes.

Seeing mr.jeon antics jungkook start laughing at him while yura went upstairs to wake up the boys.

Mr.jeon: yah! Jeon jungkook are you laughing at your father?🤨

Koo: yes.

Mrs.jeon: why are you scolding him? When you are no better than him , no actually you are worst than him.

Mr.jeon: honey, I can cook it's just I  love your cooking so much that's why I don't cook.

To enjoy the drama comfortably Jungkook sat beside his father who was trying hard to prove that he can cook , when everyone knows that he can't even boil water.

Yura came downstairs with both babies and made them sit on their high chairs.

After having breakfast mr.jeon took jungwon and haru to the nearby park to play .
I know I'm late 😬 for that I'm sorry 😔.

That's it for fifth chapter.

Please try to give you reviews ,it would be appreciated 👍.

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