chapter 15

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Jungkook is mad ,very mad ,but who is he angry at? ..... ofcourse his wifey . Now the question is why? , why is he angry at him? .... now the answer is simple, because he wants attention ,duh!

Now our brave warrior jeon jungkook is sulking , sitting on his bed ,because he didn't got his needed attention from his wifey. Everytime he tried to get his beautiful wifey attention, someone have to interrupt him and when in the evening he got time to be close with his wifey ,his father called him as he had some work with him. They return on the dinner time and then he ate his dinner,and went to his room, after bathing and changing into comfortable clothes, he started his sulking session .

As our brave warrior was busy in sulking, he heard someone footsteps coming towards his room, and he knows who is coming. He hurriedly lay down on his stomach on the bed ,and covered himself with the blanket, from head to toe. To show that he is angry.

The door pushed open and Taehyung came in , he looked at the lump in the bed , his lips stretched into a warm smile,thinking that jungkook slept, he shook his head and went to freshen up.

Jungkook removed the blanket from his eyes only and peered through it , when he heard the clicking sound of the bathroom door.

Koo: * huff*...... again no attention, no problem... I will never talk to him either, never ever*huff*

Jungkook huffed and again covered himself with the blanket. After sometime taehyung came out of the bathroom, freshly showered and with his comfortable clothes on, he sat in front of the mirror and start applying his lotion on his hand and legs . He looked in the mirror and saw his husband cutely peeking at him from under the blanket. Taehyung got up from the chair he was sitting on , he took his moisturizer and walked towards the bed with a small smile playing on his lips. He sat beside jungkook and removed the blanket from his face . Jungkook felt the blanket being removed and his heart beat increasing. He knows his wifey is sitting beside him, in panick he closed his eyes tightly, afraid of being caught , that he was faking his sleep . Taehyung giggled looking at his tightly closed eyes.

Tae: koo, open your eyes, I know you're not sleeping.

Taehyung said and tickled him under his chin . Jungkook giggled cutely due to continuous tickling and opened his eyes .

Tae: why were you pretending to sleep, hmm?

Taehyung asked as he took Lil amount of moisturizer in his hand.

Koo: because koo is mad at wifey.

Jungkook replied and turned his head and looked away, crossing his arms but still laying on the bed.Tae smile looking at the sulking bunny.

Tae: and why koo is mad at his wifey ? What did wifey do to make koo mad ?

Tae asked and turned koo's head toward him and gently applied the moisturizer on his face and kissed his forehead.

Koo: because he didn't get atte-

Jungkook stop speaking when he felt the gentle kiss on his forehead, he looked at taehyung with his wide doe eyes.

Tae: what were you saying?

Taehyung asked caressing  koo cheeks.

Koo: kiss.


Tae asked being confused.

Koo: I want kiss.

Jungkook said without any hesitation still looking at him.

Tae: but I just gave you one.

Koo: oho! Wifey not on forehead, kiss me on the cheeks , come on give me.

Jungkook demanded excitedly, he quickly sat up and hugged taehyung waist , putting his chin on his (tae) chest smiling widely.

( Guys I thought someone was very mad at his wifey and decided to never talk to him, then what happen? )

Taehyung laughed at his excitement, he cupped his baby husband cheeks, with both hands and gave him a gentle kiss ,on both of his cheeks.
Jungkook giggled, felling lots of butterflies dancing in his stomach and demanded more kisses, and who is taehyung to deny his husband , who was giggling cutely and asking for kisses. Taehyung smile widely and pampered jungkook whole face with kisses except lips.

Koo: wifey! On lips, give me kiss on my lips.

Again the shameless bunny demanded shame completely living his body.
Taehyung widened his eyes, cheeks turning red. He stared at koo soft lips unconsciously leaning towards his lips. Jungkook saw him leaning and he closed his eyes, but still smiling, his bunny teeth peeking out , he was too much excited for his first kiss, that it was getting hard for him, to control his smile.

 Jungkook saw him leaning and he closed his eyes, but still smiling, his bunny teeth peeking out , he was too much excited for his first kiss, that it was getting hard for him, to control his smile

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Their lips were going to touch when suddenly.



Well it's too early for kiss🤭

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