017, the refillable firewhiskey!

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THE FOLLOWING DAY — WHICH was a Sunday — Cerise didn't wake up until gone twelve

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THE FOLLOWING DAYWHICH was a Sunday — Cerise didn't wake up until gone twelve. When she did, she was beyond confused. She felt like a mess, her hair was everywhere, and her cheeks were sticky. . . And then, she remembered. She remembered the harsh words Cedric had said, and before she knew it, the tears were streaming down her face once again.

She still had no idea where she was, but the smell of cinnamon and cherries was oddly comforting to her. She buried her face into the pillow; Still, she had no idea whose it was, but she didn't care.

It was silent, which worried Cerise. She hated silence, it scared her a lot.

She didn't have to worry for long, as soon later, the door opened and she heard three very familiar voices talking and laughing with one another.

Cerise groaned.

"Ah, you're awake!" Lee exclaimed, "Is it okay if we open the curtains?"

Cerise sighed, flipped herself over so she was on her back and gave a small hum. When the curtains were opened, she narrowed her eyes. "Look," said Fred, "We know you have questions, but you need to eat."

"The feast ended half an hour ago," George told her, placing two plates on the desk; One was filled to the brim with food, and the other was filled with desserts. "We snuck into the kitchen to get you something to eat."

Cerise avoided looking at them. "Whose bed am I in?"

"Mine," George answered, "But it's okay, I slept on the floor!"

Cerise frowned, "I would've been fine on the windowsill, y'know." She told them, "I've slept there plenty of times before."

"Eat." Lee said, "You need food."

Cerise looked at the trio, before looking at the plates next to her. Pushing the plate of actual food towards the boys, she took the plate filled with desserts.

"Typical," George muttered. Cerise had always been the same; When she was upset, she refused to eat food, and instead filled herself up with chocolate and cakes.

She ate a few of the cherry cakes, before she placed her legs over the edge of the bed. The trio exchanged a glance, "Where are you going?" The three asked in sync.

"Uh," Cerise said, "To get a drink. I had this bottle of refillable Firewhiskey for my birthday of someone, I don't know who, but it bloody works wonders. It's refilled itself about ten times now."

Fred grinned as the two boys glanced his way. He reached under his pillow, and pulled out the same bottle Cerise had. She eyed him weirdly, "You have got to be kidding me." She muttered.

Fred passed the bottle to George, who handed it to Cerise. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed my gift." Fred smirked, "It does work wonders, doesn't it?"

Cerise sighed, before downing the bottle in one breath. The three boys stared, their eyes wide with shock. "What?" Cerise asked, "I was thirsty."

"Okay, well can you eat them like you just drank that?" George asked, taking the Firewhiskey off her as she tried to drink more. "You get this back, after you've eaten."

Cerise frowned, but nevertheless, she ate the desserts as fast as she could. She reached for the bottle again. "Not so fast!" Lee said, pushing the plate of actual food towards the girl. "Eat half of this too."

"You guys are mean," Cerise muttered, reaching for a Yorkshire pudding. As she ate it, she could feel their eyes on her. She knew their eyes were filled with curiosity. "No, I am not telling you why I was at the windowsill."

The three groaned in annoyance. "Well George and I were having a stroll, and we heard the paintings gossiping."

"Ah, they love a good gossip," Cerise interrupted, ripping the chicken leg apart and eating it bit by bit.

"That's how we knew you were there," George told her, "And you were outers, so I picked you up and we brought you up here to sleep."

THE DAY FELT LIKE it lasted a lifetime, and Cerise found herself walking back to her common room with Lee escorting her. The four had stayed in the boys dorm room all day, just drinking the bottle of Firewhiskey and talking. Cerise and Fred were the only two that were still drunk, so while George decided to stay with Fred, Lee decided to take Cerise to her common room.

Cerise giggled as she tripped over nothing. "Merlin, I felt like I was flying!" She exclaimed, her words slurring together as Lee tried to make her quieten down. "Can I do that again?"

"No," Lee said, pulling her up and keeping a firm grip on her arm. "Come on."

The two continued walking, before Cerise decided to sit at a windowsill. It was the same windowsill she always sat at. Lee sat next to her, and eyed her worriedly.

"Am I a bitch?" Cerise asked.

"No," Lee answered, "You can be, though."

"Am I self-centred? Rude?" Cerise questioned.

"No," Lee replied, "Believe it or not, but you are one of the nicest people the twins, Loralei and I have ever met."

Cerise frowned, standing up and walking off down the corridor. Lee jumped up, following after her. "Y'know," Cerise said, stumbling as she took step after step. "My brother isn't my brother no more."

Lee was confused. His eyebrows furrowed together. "What are you on about?"

"Nothing," Cerise muttered as they made it outside of the Hufflepuff common room. "Thank you. . . And thank the Weasels too."

Lee thought to himself for a moment. "Cerise," he said, making her look at him. "You do know that the boys and I really miss you, right? Today was the most I had seen them smiling — Especially George. Between you and me, he really really really likes you. He always has, and to be honest, I think he always will."

"How cute," Cerise giggled. "I miss you guys too, but I cannot be friends again. I will only ruin your guys' lives."

Lee frowned, "What makes you say that?"

"It's true!" Cerise drunkenly exclaimed, "Goodbye, Lee."

And then, she done the password for her common room, and entered, shutting the door behind her as she let the tears fall freely down her face.

On the couch, she saw Cedric. His leg was bouncing up and down anxiously, as he stared at the wall. Noticing her, he jumped up immediately. "Cerise—"

Cerise blinked at him. "Who are you?"

A/N: Bless her little heart :(

CHERRY, george weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now