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CERISE AURELIA DIGGORY HAVE HAD THE WORST year of her life! It started off with the Quidditch World Cup — Getting hit with the cruciatus curse, and running into George Weasley ( who she claimed to hate ). It ended with her twin brother being killed by Voldemort, and Cho Chang dumping her's and Cedric's son in Josephine's arms running off, leaving baby Jay Cedric Chang in the care of the Diggory's.

In between all of that, she had fallen in love with George Weasley and made a new friend, Elijah Woods.

Now, her final year was approaching. She had spent all of her summer at number twelve Grimmauld Place doing absolutely nothing due to Molly Weasley worrying too much about her and wanting her to relax and take care of Jay.

Cerise felt like life was nothing without Cedric Diggory, her twin brother, her best friend...

Between preparing for her NEWTS, looking after a newborn baby, and trying to push away her feelings for George Weasley ( once again ), she has to deal with the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher... Professor Umbridge.

And Cerise was ready to lose it with her.


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A:N: I am so excited to write this part of the story. Thank you so much for sticking with 'Cherry' this far, it really does mean a lot.

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